Oct 05, 2009 21:04
"Reply to this post by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you."
Drums - The only instrument I've ever been able to play well (really stretching the meanings of the words "instrument" and "well" there...). They're well fun to play in a group, but I really don't feel it on my own and so my drum kit now resides dismantled in the loft.
Axe - My reluctantly primary online RP character's weapon of choice. I started off with Elfang being my obvious main character, but I gradually found myself enjoying Elfax's complete disregard for social conduct far more appealing than Elfang's strict adherence to rules and order. I very much enjoyed the reactions I got for his relatively unpredictable behaviour. I wish the sites I used him on didn't all end up vanishing because I really wanted to expand on his character. I miss TU! ='(
Pikachu - Yeah, my LJ is pretty much a Pika-fest. I've never thought of Pikachu as a favourite, but I definitely do enjoy me some Pokémon. Yellow was an exceptional game for its time and is still one of the best of the franchise.
Role Playing - From age 12 to about 17, I think, I spent a great deal of my time role playing online. For the majority of that time, I was crazy about reading books and I loved how much RP'ing felt like writing some kind of interactive novel. I didn't really contribute to forums in any way apart from in the RP section (which is why today, I don't contribute to them at all). I tried my hand at some properly serious, organised stuff (a Yahoo! group named Stormpoint in particular), but I never really got past my love for jumping into an RP on TU with no idea where it was gonna go or how it was gonna get there, and ending up with something awesomely fun. I made friends with a lot of people there and still keep in tenuous touch with Joe and Rhi. I still miss TU! ='(
Greenock - The town in which I live. I feel like it wants to be Glasgow, but succeeds only in its ratio of neds to less annoying people. I still like it, though. If I were to move out of town at some point in my life, I wouldn't want to move too far away (Edinburgh is my limit at the moment). It's not always the nicest town and it certainly doesn't have a lot going on that interests me, but I like it.
Aaaaaaand done.