Because you lovely people deserve better

Jan 28, 2009 03:26

I ain't done one of these in, like, a year. Certainly never on LJ, where it may remain forevermore (or at least as long as LJ's servers last).

Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
The same one we sleep in every night, Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

Ever kissed anyone 30 or older?
Yes, but only on the cheek. The face-cheek.

Are you in a relationship?
You could call it that; you could also describe it using a dagger-to-the-heart witticism, but I have learned my lesson in that department.

Do you miss anyone?
Almost everyone I know. And I know a hellalotta folks.

Who messaged you last?
Loli, heralding the end of my Computing lab boredom for the day.

Have you held hands with anyone today?
No, actually; that's not a particularly frequent practice with us, as it happens.

Do you like winter?
I like the snow and I like the Christmas, but that is all I like.

Do you like summer?
Given my last answer, you'd think I would, but not so much.

Plans for tomorrow?
Uni (now with extra added test!), Loli's house, video games, sleep.

Do you like to cuddle?
I sure does.

Do you want to dance?
Under the moonlight? Oh, I'll squeeze you, baby. All through the night.

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
The Ramones.

Do you want to see someone this very minute?
In particular: Loli, Jay & Allie.

Who do you not get along with?
I get along with anyone who doesn't mess me around, generally. Unfortunately, I've met a number of messy people in my time.

Do you think you're approachable?
You would be shocked at some of the secrets near strangers have told me.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Well, Loli's fatal injury prevents ice skating this week. Maybe we'll finally get around to watching Wall-E.

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you and meant it?
Lots of 'em. Not that way, mind.

Suppose you see your crush kissing another person?
Well, it's not like we're going out. Now, if I saw my girlfriend kissing someone!

Something interesting happen lately?
Interesting... that's one way to put it.

Did you ever lose a best friend?
Well, Leonard and I have been on and off for the last couple of years. It's all good right now, though.

When was the last time you saw your father?

Was your last kiss a mistake?
Well, I almost missed.

What is bothering you right now?
The length of this thing.

What is in the back seat of "your" car right now?
Inverted commas? Why? Anyways, I run a pretty tight automobile; no rubbish whatsoever.

Would you take your last ex back?

What was the last thing you ate?
A croissant. Sophisticated, me.

Ever go camping?
Wouldn't dream of it. Well, that's a lie actually; I dreamt of it last night.

Have you ever lost anything down a toilet?
Nothing worth remembering, it seems.

Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
I try to hold back on them sometimes; 'specially on this journal.

Are you someone's best friend?
Sure am.

Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru?
I prefer sitting in; the drive-thru makes me nervous.

Do you have a dog?
No pets at all, and very happy for it.

Have you given up on anyone?
You can only take so much disappointment.

Have you ever kissed anyone with a name that starts with D or Z?
I've kissed lots of dick, that count?

Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?
I've wasted my time on many a boy; they just don't appreciate my enthusiastic advances, for some reason.

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
No reason to be, but that ain't stopped her before.

Have you ever stayed in a hotel?
Numerous ones, of varying standards.

Do you believe that you are a good girlfriend or boyfriend?
I believe I can be.

What is in your pockets?
Inside my pockets, one might find... the inside of my pockets! =O

What does the last message say in your inbox?
Something like, "My lab's done now. Yayface! xxoxo".

Where would you like to be right now?
A friend's house, watching, doing or saying something stupid like old times.

Ever told someone you loved them and not mean it?
I didn't mean to not mean it.

Ever been told you were loved by someone who didn't mean it?
It's quite likely. She'll have been suffering the same dilemma I mentioned but a question earlier.

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Yeah, Leonard just tweeted at me, so I know I'm in his head.

Have you ever cried in public?
Yeah, a couple of times.

Favourite colour?
I dunno, blue?

Night or day?
More fun things happen during the day.

Do you like anyone?
I like lotsa people.

How do you feel right now?
Kinda sleepy.

Do you believe ex's can really ever be "just friends"?
Pfft, no.

Do you bite your fingernails?
Never have, never will.

What's your favorite number?
32. Actually.

What is your biggest problem?
Yer maw.

What do you like to do for fun?
Post quizzes on LJ, apparently.

Does the last person you kissed have any importance in your life?
Wee bit. =P

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
That would be Allie.

What were you doing at 7am?
Sleeping through my alarm...

What are you doing tonight?
The official party line is "studying", but I think we all know that ain't what's happening.

Is anyone on your bad side right now?
A couple of people.

Can you make brownies without having to look at the directions?
I can't make brownies with the directions.
^ Top answer on Catchphrase.

Do you still talk to the person you kissed last?
On the odd occasion, aye.

Any plans for tomorrow?
Yeah, this has been asked.

Can you handle the truth?
Can you handle my cock? I named it "The Truth". YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! See? Moving on.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Second, third, fourth; I don't seem to have a "final straw", no matter how much I may say it.

Ever kissed anyone 30 or older?
Again with the repeating.

Do you have a twin?
Yes. When we were very young we made the mutual decision to live the one life with one identity on a rotational basis for the sake of a magic trick. Funnily enough, that didn't pan out so well. (Extra Euan points if you got that)

How many times have you donated blood?
Approximately one fifteenth of a time.

Are you wearing anything blue?
My sleeves, jeans and eyes.

What should you be doing right now?
Studying. Thought you'd have gathered that?

Is there someone you wish you could work things out with?
I did. Then things happened and I suddenly didn't care.

Are you an emotional person?
I can be, but not too often.

Has anyone ever spread a rumour about you?
Heck, yeah.

Where did you sleep last night?
Next tae yer maw.

What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed?
I'd imagine the world would have a new found fear of the fertilising power of a kiss.

Last place you hugged someone?
Her front door.

Do you know anyone named Matt?
Once upon a time.

What color is your hair?
Dark brown.

When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
Wait, I have siblings?!

Is your hair curly or straight?
Wavy. Hah!

Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Loli, I'd expect.

Do you hαve a best friend?
Yes, I certainly do.

Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
Yep, and I don't think I've changed since then, really.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Sure have.

Who did you last go out to eat with?
Loli and Jonathan. The usual Tuesday Subway.

Do you wear glasses?
Nah. I'm one of those annoying people who jumps at every opporchancity to try on other people's.

Is the sun shining?
Somewhere over the rainbow. But not here.

Are you happy with your life right now?
All but my social situation.

Are you currently jealous?
No reason to be.

What jewellery are you currently wearing?
My watch?

What were you doing at 10pm Friday night?
Ask Loli; I haven't the foggiest.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I hope not.

Do you have any weird inside jokes?
Most of my humour is derived from constant re-enactment of past humour. So, yeah.

Do you find piercings attractive in the opposite sex?
Really, really no.

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
I think I could manage, yeah.

Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
My day has been had. This is just me milking it for all it's totally not worth.

Is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
I believe I alluded to that in a previous question. Yes, Ctrl+F "Have you given up on anyone?" and you'll see. Clever question.

Do you watch a lot of TV?
Not a lot, no.

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now?
More than likely.

Do you drink tea/iced?
Yes, I drink iced.

Have you ever wanted something you couldn't have?
Lots of times.

Have you ever in anyway, been betrayed by someone you trust?
Yeah, hence the seething hatred for years.

Do you know anyone that is currently locked up?
I might, but I never bother reading the stories properly when my mum points out the NED's from my school in the paper.

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Sure have.

What was on your mind mostly today?
My latest Python program, which turned out to be surprisingly easy.

Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to?
My mum.

If you could change your eye colour would you?
To anything? Yeah, purple.

What are you listening to right now?
Aquabats - Ska Boss on loop.

Would you ever date the last person you kissed?
Well, I could give it a go, I suppose.

What was your favourite thing about Sunday?
The folks at Sunday School when I revealed the fairy cakes Loli & I had made. =)

When was the last time you cried?
Long time ago.

Do you hate someone?
No, not anymore.

Last person who bought you something?
Loli chipped in for baking ingredients on Saturday.

Who did you last get into a big argument with?
Can't rightly recall.

Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
One or two, but they always got sorted in the end.

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's underwear?

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Almost getting up, but not quite.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Don't really have a preference.

If you were a reasonable age, would you prefer a baby boy or girl?
I think I might prefer a girl; I'd be more likely to see a younger me in a boy's personality and that would just be weird.

What was the weather like today?
It was nice-wet.

What was the last thing you hid?
Hm, I believe I hid something of Loli's not too long ago, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.

Are you over the age of 25?
Certainly not.

When was the last time you touched drum sticks?
I was clearing out some stuff one day, found them, and ended up spinning them for the rest of the afternoon.

What are you excited about?
Exam results!

How do you currently make your money?
I allow interest to accrue on my savings while I use an interest-free overdraft; I let the system make my money.

What is the last letter of your middle name?
T, but... why?

Are you happy right now?
I'm too sleepy to know. Probably.

What were you doing last night?
Loli was here; we had fun in some manner. (Stupid tiredness... can't think straight)

Do you want to get married & have children one day?
I want to get married and have child, yes. =P

Is there any good that you're craving right now?

Are you waiting for something?

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
You've asked this be-sleep.

Did you get your full 8 hours of sleep last night?

If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay?
I'd kill it, then go sleep.

Have you ever liked someone that treated you bad?
Yeah, sometimes I forgive far too easily.

Is your current hair colour your natural hair colour?
It sure is.

Is there some form of medication you should take?

Which of your friends do you argue with the most?
Nothing to report there.

Have you hugged or kissed anyone in the last 72 hours?
'Course I have.

Was today a good day?
I... you already... SLEEP!

Do you get mad easily?
I'm starting to!

Do you get a lot of hugs or kisses everyday?
Not always lots, but most days.

What happened at 10am this morning?
I decided to screw SciFun and go meet Loli at the cosmopolitan haven that is Starbucks.

What is the last thing someone bought you?

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?

Who of all your friends do you trust the most?
Most certainly Jay.

Have you ever kissed anyone named Michael?
I have cussed someone named Michael.

Who was the last person you were in a car with?

When was the last time you cried really, really hard?
Been over this, and I'm still not sleeping. (I am aware that it's my own fault)

Who took your profile picture?
What? It's a drawing of a Pikachu. No one took it; it was drawn! Moron.

What woke you up this morning?
Plain good luck.

Do you have the same best friends now that you had a year ago?
Yeah, but I don't see him half as much as I did then. =(

What color was the last drink you consumed?

Could you go a day without eating?
Yeah, but... I'd be hungry.

Does it take a lot to make you cry?
I don't think it does, really.

1. What's your name: Euan
2. How tall are you: Six feet
3. What colour are your eyes: They are blue
4. What colour is your hair: Been here, done this, not doin' it again
5. Are you Male or Female: If you haven't figured that out by now, you don't deserve the answer
6. What is your best feature (physically): My eyes, so I'm told
7. What's your shoe size: Seven
8. Glasses, yes or no: No
9. Did you ever have braces: Yeah, the removable kind
10. On a typical day you are wearing: The only recurring items are my Vans and my duffel coat
11. When you go to bed you're wearing: Bedsheets

(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:

1. coffee: black
2. dog: bark
3. slut: sky (as in the surname "Slutsky")
4. candy: man
5. pole: tax
6. ocean: 's Eleven
7. brave: heart
8. love: bug
9. cookie: monster
10. death: offdeath (Stupid David's username, messing with my gut reactions)
11. life: style
12. child: pornography (Finally, a less boring one!)

(mark an "x" to the one you prefer)

1. Ten guilty men go free OR [ x]
One innocent man goes to jail for life []

2. Eaten by a lion OR [x]
Eaten by thousands of small insects [ ]

3. A life of contentment without love OR [x]
A life with love and heartache [ ]

4. Skydiving from a plane OR [ ]
Bungee jumping off a bridge [x]

No five, it seems

6. No television OR [x]
No music [ ]

7. No more pizza, ever OR [x]
No more chocolate, ever [ ]

8. A trip to Europe OR [x]
a trip to Hawaii [ ]

9. An hour with your future soul mate OR [ ]
An hour with a lost loved one [x]

10. No longer being able to cry OR [ ]
No longer being able to feel the need to cry [x]

11. Sex without love OR [ ]
love without sex [x]

12. Loving someone who doesn't love you OR [ ]
being loved by someone you don't love [x]


1. Are you currently in a relationship: Ayep
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone: Well, I ought to be interested
3. Have you ever been in love: I currently am
4. If so, with who: Loli, duh
5. How many times have you been in love: Just the once
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person now?: The... same... ?
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: Face, hair, bum
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally): Intelligence, humour, integrity
9. Biggest turnoff: Stupidity
10. Your ideal date: July 16th 1988 -- the date the world got a little bit better
11. You want to get married, where, when, how: In my church, someday, via the medium of a minister

(of your friends, who would you say is:)

1. The one you immediately go to with a problem: Jay
2. The most sarcastic: David by a mile
3. The funniest: They all have their areas
4. The one you spend the most time on the phone with: Probably Allie, trying to arrange to meet up
5. The craziest (but in a good way): Very much Allie
6. The most honest: Lying is bad and I think they're all grown up enough to get that
7. The purest: Jay. Heart of gold, that lad
8. The smartest: Probably Allie
9. The most athletic: Though he professes to be unfit these days, this one is Jay all over
10. The most compassionate: Hm... nope, can't call that one
11. The one most likely to get thrown in jail and why: David, for getting caught doing something relatively harmless, but then being cheeky to the police
14. Best drawer: I don't really know, but I'm gonna go with Jay because he does draw quite well
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