Dec 22, 2006 23:21
Where am I? My house. Where should I be? Plymouth with my dad. Why am I not there? Fuckin' FOG!
Everything went smoothly enough at first. We didn't have a particularly long wait at check-in, we got to the gate with some time to spare and sat a while. Approaching the boarding time, we were told of an estimated hour delay. Meh, could've been worse. And worse it did get: the flight got cancelled due to the weather and we had to transfer to a much later, out-of-the-way flight that meant three hours more driving for my dad to pick us up on arrival. After a great deal of ticket-not-matching-boards confusion, we found the correct gate and waited for a long time -- a long time of no-one telling us what the crap was going on. Eventually, a guy announced that the plane had been having technical difficulties and was having a part replaced. Halfway through repairs, the guy came back saying he had found another plane and was "stealing" it for us. This, he expected brownie points for. Dipshit. Got on the plane almost right away, BUT were met with yet more delays when one of the passengers didn't turn up. Skip ahead about half an hour and we're off the ground. We get to Southampton, and what does the pilot tell us? Too much fog, so let's turn around. Fuckin' FOG!
Felt like shite knocked backwards into a pile of shite, with an extra lump of shite spread on top for good measure when we got home, so I called Loli and asked her to come up. Which she did, and I felt much better -- especially when she gave me my Christmas present: the new Tenacious D album and two Dragonball mangas! (I opened it up today because I can't take it with me to Plymouth for Christmas as it could contain a bomb or something.)
Oh, aye, saw Allie and her mum at the airport (that was about the only good thing that came of being there). I wish I'd realised how long a wait we were gonna have; we could've tagged along with them for a bit.
In contrast, I had a great day yesterday.
I went up to Jay's house to exchange gifts and we both just opened them there. He got me Sega Classics Collection for the PS2 and a tube of Little Rolos (didn't it used to be Mini Rolos?), which I was very happy with. Jay was absolutely ecstatic with his present: I made him a five-disc compilation of every Dragonball Z episode, movie and T.V. special and put them in a ten-pack CD box, and I even printed out front and back covers for the box, too. Trust me, it was awesome. Jay was flabbergasted at first, then he got to his senses, wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me up and said, "I love you, I love you, I love you!". I was fuckin' chuffed (and a little scared).
We got a bus together to Barrs' Cottage since he was going to Leonard's and I was going to Loli's. My time at Loli's was excellent, too; we had a great time just sitting about and talking about whatever, as we are so prone to do. I fucking love that girl, seriously.
Tomorrow, my mum and I shall take a long, fog-impervious train to Plymouth. The ironic thing is, we originally intended to take a train, but thought "better" of it and chose a plane for speed. SPEED!