Name your price if you can explain it.

Nov 24, 2010 01:17

My academic adviser recommended Dominick LaCapra.  I quote: The oceanic feeling, correlated with the pre-symbolic, pre-oedipal imaginary unity (or community) with the mother, would presumably also be lost by separation from the m(other) with the intervention of (the name of) the father and the institution of the symbolic under the sway of the phallus.  When they are interpreted in a certain way, a similar conflation of absence and loss occurs with respect to the passage from nature to culture, the entry into language the traumatic encounter with the real, the alienation from species-being, the anxiety ridden thrownness and fallenness of Dasein, the inevitable generation of the aporia, or the constitutive nature of melancholic loss in relation to the genesis of subjectivity.

Yeah.  If you're thinking context would help, it doesn't.

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