Dec 23, 2004 18:55
theautopsy reads: what are you up to?
YESSSgeniussale: kickin it hxc
theautopsy reads: real hxc?
theautopsy reads: or mediocre hxc
YESSSgeniussale: you cannot even fathom the harshness of how hxc i am kickin it
theautopsy reads: haha
theautopsy reads: i bet i can't
YESSSgeniussale: psh
theautopsy reads: you're just a leauge ahead of me when it comes to hxc-ness
YESSSgeniussale: 2 leagues even
theautopsy reads: 3 if i'm good at arithmetic
YESSSgeniussale: which you arent
theautopsy reads: which is questionable
theautopsy reads: it's all left to opinion, really
theautopsy reads: haha
theautopsy reads: less than mick, but far more superior than joe
YESSSgeniussale: who the fuck is joe
theautopsy reads: you don't know who joe is?
theautopsy reads: now i question your arithmetic
YESSSgeniussale: joe is a bitch
theautopsy reads: lol
YESSSgeniussale: i bet joe has 20,000 deaths on his dick
theautopsy reads: that goes without saying
YESSSgeniussale: double n shit
theautopsy reads: double time
theautopsy reads: haha
YESSSgeniussale: i saw my six uncles house
YESSSgeniussale: but it didnt look like his house
theautopsy reads: whose house did it look like?
YESSSgeniussale: i didnt care
YESSSgeniussale: i always wanted to touch a bear
theautopsy reads: you should see my friend, he's knows all about those kind of things, he'll hook you up reeeal nice.
YESSSgeniussale: hahaha thats nice
YESSSgeniussale: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal nice
theautopsy reads: reeeee-hee-heelllll nice
theautopsy reads: if you know what i mean
theautopsy reads: eh eh
theautopsy reads: haha
YESSSgeniussale: and i do
theautopsy reads: then you know how hard it is to come by these sorts of things
theautopsy reads: and believe me, he's got the best of the best
YESSSgeniussale: best of the best of the best?
theautopsy reads: of the best
theautopsy reads: no
theautopsy reads: better than that
YESSSgeniussale: dayum n shit
theautopsy reads: yep
YESSSgeniussale: shiver me timbers
theautopsy reads: shiver me timbers says you, that was some good shit says i
theautopsy reads: haha
YESSSgeniussale: hecks yeah
theautopsy reads mick, send me the picture of jesus and freddy mercury on the phone!
YESSSgeniussale: no.
the dance party was fun except for the lack of people, and the abundance of shitty 6th grade "punk-rockers" who like to ruin good songs that im trying to dance to by running around and yelling. fuck them. but other than that it was great ansd it was goo seeing some people i havnet in a while.