YESSSgeniussale: wawawa
LOtheClapUST: sassel frass
YESSSgeniussale: pickabilly cotton?
LOtheClapUST: sallad buffet
YESSSgeniussale quasimodo
LOtheClapUST: fuck that hump backed fuck
YESSSgeniussale: hey man hes just tryin to get by alright
YESSSgeniussale: leave the guy alone
LOtheClapUST: no hes not
LOtheClapUST: he rings bells
YESSSgeniussale: what are your trying to say
YESSSgeniussale: just because he rings bells doesnt mean he hates black people
YESSSgeniussale: you are so insensitive about insensitivity
YESSSgeniussale: he saved esmerelda alright!!
LOtheClapUST: he just swung from a few ropes
LOtheClapUST: thats it
LOtheClapUST: the end
YESSSgeniussale: you just swung from a few ropes
LOtheClapUST: am i saying i saved the day
LOtheClapUST: noooo
LOtheClapUST: im not
YESSSgeniussale: yeah cause you didnt. quasi did.
LOtheClapUST: oh i quasied i just forgot to moto
YESSSgeniussale: its alright you just need a little practice and youll be motoing like a champ in no time
YESSSgeniussale: you just gotta keep your eye on the ball and give 110%
LOtheClapUST: yeah
LOtheClapUST: ill get em next time
LOtheClapUST: thanks mick
LOtheClapUST: your words work wonders for me
YESSSgeniussale: no problemo