Apr 12, 2008 20:55
I just realized that almost all of my last posts here have been complaints, and that I haven't been expressing the joy I've been taking in life lately.
I've been in accounting for a week or two now - it's a series of challenges, but it's using my mind and I'm gaining experience in a real job. I really hope I continue to do well enough to earn the right to keep my place, but I seem to be doing okay so far. (-:
My group of friends is awesome - Aaron and Almeda and I hang out on Tuesdays, and we usually have our D&D game on Friday night. This week we moved to Saturday, but I'm having fun with the story and I think I'm also doing a fair job with Carapym, who is seriously growing on me. I still don't have quite as much attachment to her as I had to Volen, but she's a spunky little thing, and I'm having a blast watching our DM have NPCs react to her and our party's unique brand of diplomacy.
I start classes again on Tuesday, which is teh awesome. I've been itching to get back in, so it's good to see it happen finally. *bounces eagerly*
I also have the Burning Crusade on the way, and I'm really looking forward to working on Yaani (my Draenei shaman) more, and possibly to getting back to Avna. Oooooh, WoW, how do I love thee?
Things are proceeding apace with DRAMA and the con. We have forums, but we're still waiting on the website to go live. We have a logo for said website, which was the focus of the last few days, and we have permission to advertise it since the person running the other potential Furry Fiesta said his isn't going to happen. We're just waiting on the technical side to finalize, and then we're set! I'm working on our tax exempt forms, but should have those ready for the budget meeting next weekend, so should be able to have that submitted in the next couple of weeks. Then the waiting game begins, but we'll be ready and on our way. *beams*
Other than that, life is good. I'm taking my car in on Monday to get one side (from the accident I caused *sigh*) repaired, and should have word from AllState so that I can get the other side (from the first accident, the one I had no way to avoid) fixed, too. Medical stuff is all sorted out, though this week at work was fairly drama-laden. Almeda, Aaron, and I have all sorted out the timing with moving, and Aaron and I are looking into apartments to room at.
Tomorrow is the monthly fur meet at Genghis Grill, which will be much yumminess and furry good times. :-D
So things proceed apace, and overall, life is happy. (-: