Aug 17, 2007 19:50
Or at least it seems one of the weather gods must be. I came out of work today, and found that thick grey haze that feels like the roiling clouds above have reached down to touch the earth. As I walked to my car, lightning split the sky - not wimpy lightning, either, oh no - a long, continuous streak of blazing yellow against the darkish grey above. Almost immediately, thunder crackled through the air, and I swear it split the evening as thoroughly as the lightning had the sky just before. It rolled and cracked for a full second and a half before grumbling into silence, and gods, but it was the kind that sets the heart a-thumping. I got into my car just as the rain hit, and almost instantly it was just pouring. It was glorious, and everything a summer storm should be.
*grins* I always forget that my car drives like a kite in bad weather, though. I do enjoy a little excitement in my life, but wondering if I was going to be able to stay in my lane is a tiny bit above my comfort level. I figured it was okay, though, since I'm small enough I have plenty of room to slide before actually hitting the lane boundaries. Everybody was driving über-slow, which was fine given the circumstances, and there were no more truly kickass lightningbolts until I actually turned onto my street from the highway, but that moment when I stepped out of work really made my day. Might even make up for having to get up at ungodly o'clock tomorrow. *lesigh*
Okay, so I just had to go hunt down information on the word über, and find some place that had the umlauted u so that I could make über-slow actually right, but now it just looks wrong. What does that say, that the technically correct spelling of a word I'm horribly mangling the use of looks wrong to me? Maybe just that I need more sleep. I was also sad the other day to realize that, while my phone does have special versions of the letters a and e, it does *not* have any umlauts available. Silly phone and lack of umlauts. )-:
And now Sable is informing me that she's had enough of me not having much time to spend with her, so I'm off to play with my pug. (-: She is an awesome dog, and I really can't wait until we get someone else in the office at Sears so that I can give her the time she deserves. *sighs tiredly but happily and wanders off*