May 20, 2004 21:26
So, I didn't die.
But, I nearly did.
You shouldn't be worried about my having missed the West Wing season finale because Donna didn't die, and if she didn't die in the finale then she's certainly not going to die in the season premiere. So there. And the only other crap they did was Jed remembering his past with Fitz, which was the same fucking thing they did when Mrs. Landingham died. Aaron Sorkin, why did you abandon us?
I had my very first job interview today. It was with the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; it was just a hiring fair/screening thing today, but the guy was really impressed with the Berkeley factor and also the fact that I knew my tea. I hope I get this job; it would be close, extremely suitable, and provide much needed money for college.
I also got my housing contract for Berkeley: a triple room in Unit 3. Well, a triple is not really what I wanted, but at least that's two Instant Aquaintances, and having two roomates increases the probablity that I'll like one of them. I guess. But, it's a lot cheaper for a triple, and Unit 3 is the closest to campus and is one of the few halls not actually under construction. So, generally, I am satisfied.
In other news, I have more work than I can fathom in school right now. I have the stupid Bio Musical 'O The Ocean (hopefully), the Stats research project from hell, and the French Petit Prince 'O Rama.
Not to mention the fact that I have to plan an entire wedding for only $15,000.
Life is so unfair.
But I have come up with a Really Cunning Plan to get a dress for less than a dollar. I just have to make sure that I'm not breaking the economic rules of the universe, or else I'll fail and stuff. And who likes that?
I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday. There's only three weeks left. I'm going to have an emotional breakdown pretty soon, most likely.
But, not yet.
Ok, that's all.
Oh, yeah. My pointing finger, is like totally famous thanks to Karen Chan. I dedicate this moment of fame to all the French Students in the world who ever had to take a backseat to the Spanish Students.