it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

May 25, 2003 01:19 I went to Cherry Hill Mall.

On the way there, Jenn and I rocked out to classic disney hits. We're cool. 19 years old, rocking out to songs like, "A Whole New World", "I Just Can't Wait to Be King", "Bibbidy Boppidy Boo", "Under the Sea", and much much more! [please note: i may not know the actual titles of these songs.]

Jenn bought lots of stuff, she has that money stuff. I bought a hat, fake hair headband [jenn has one too, these shall be used for further events], a small gift for shannon's bday, and ASHTON KUTCHER rolling stone magazine. I was pissed because I normally get that in the mail, and the issue i really really want [a new obsession builds...] it of course, does not come. So I was sick of waiting and bought it.

Let's see. What else?

After mall we went to a diner. It was cool, MORE cool music, but not as cool as the disney music.

I have an idea to make a Spy Cd. Yeah a CD full of Spy songs so we have successful stalker music. And yes, Johnny Rivers "Secret Agent Man" is on that CD. Any other suggestions are welcome.

We then returned home and watched, what else, "Little Mermaid". Listening to all that music really got me in the mood to watch Ariel try to silently seduce Price Eric.

It's kinda sad because she was head over heels in love with him. Why? Because she saw him dance with a Dog and he was attractive. I mean, she never talked with him, never got to know him. None of that stuff. She just saved his life and sang to him. And based on that, she gave up her family, her voice, and basically risked his life to be with him.
Eric, on the other hand, fell in love with her based on her singing voice. He basically searched for this girl who could sing this song, and wasn't going to rest until he found her.

It's kind of weird that that is what I watched while in Kindergarten. I read an essay for my writing class last semester about that. Disney movies and what kind of under-lying messages they teach us. Like the false illusion of romance it gives us, about how men are always there to save the day. Like in "Sleeping Beauty", true loves kiss would wake the princess. HOWEVER - this "true love kiss" was from a guy that she danced with and sang with in the woods. And before all of that, he killed the big demon dragon all by himself.

But anyway, really, enought about disney conspiracies. Basically, they're good movies, right? I enjoyed/enjoy them. So that's that.

no more no more.
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