Feb 19, 2014 20:48
Let's talk about what Tyler Posey said in regards to Sterek.
First of all, what he said was tactless and poorly worded. Calling something that people love "twisted and warped" is not exactly cool. Hoechlin was much more diplomatic in his response.
That said, I agree with Posey.
Sterek has become a monster these days. The fanon has taken it and run with it, which would be fine except they seem to have completely forgotten the show is called "Teen Wolf" and not "Sterek" because you would think that that is what the show is about. If you browse Teen Wolf fanfic, for example (my only foray into the general fandom) you can see that most of the fic is Sterek. It's also like stepping into some bizarro reality where Stiles and Derek are boyfriends, on the show. I'm breaking a fourth wall here. I mean shit, Derek doesn't even act like himself 99% of the time. Stiles is portrayed as some kind of pack mom or something, bakes them cookies and shit like that.
Do you people even watch the show? Stiles wore a red hoodie once the entire show, when the kanima didn't attack him in season 2. ONCE. Scott wore one when he was attacked by a fucking werewolf in the goddamn pilot, the first episode, in a DELIBERATE nod to red riding hood. If a red hoodie is iconic to anybody, it'd be Scott.
The thing is, I used to like Sterek, meaning that I liked what it was on the show, and what it could be within constraints of the show. Meaning that I liked was not some established loving relationship where Stiles acts like a teenage girl and Derek is just kind of grumpy oftentimes in a literal alternative universe where Derek is not a werewolf and his family isn't all dead and they are madly in love with each other. I liked Scott's BFF and the creepy local werewolf who don't seem to like each other but they have to work together because Argents and then here comes the fanon part, what if they were attracted to each other? I know seasons change but considering that this is still the general relationship they have in the show (except maybe they moved on to willingly working together now) I don't see where the lovey-dovey couple has any basis in becoming the RULE to Sterek.
Posey finished with that if you're watching solely for Sterek then you're probably watching for the wrong reasons. He's not saying that if you like Sterek and you watch Teen Wolf you are twisted and warped anomaly. He's saying that if you're sitting there waiting to see if Stiles and Derek interact this week, then you're Doing It Wrong.
I'm pretty sure Posey is sick of Sterek. I'm sure Hoechlin and Dylan are sick of it. I'm sure Jeff Davis is too. Shit, maybe everyone is sick of Sterek. I'm sure they're tired of being asked questions about that shit, and it's not a surprise at all that they think the fandom is single-mindedly focused on Sterek considering how fucking vocal (read: annoying) they are about is it gonna happen? Is Sterek gonna be a thing? MOM ARE WE THERE YET ARE WE THERE YET?? Sterek isn't a thing on the show, it's not been HINTED at (purposefully), it's based completely on FANON so I'm sure it's irritating to be constantly bombarded with it considering they are focused on something called Teen Wolf instead.
teen wolf