I just finished copying all the notes for my Computer graphics class that I have an exam from on Tuesday. I was too lazy to write my own notes in class, so now I had a friend scan her notes for me so that I could copy them.
I got a job today as a PHP programmer for a online physics seminar. I friend of mine works at the organization and then needed a programmer for the project. I was telling Mirka that I want to get a job this semester and she told him that I was looking for a job, so he asked me. So I was lucky. It might be hard work and the pay might not be much, but at least it will be good experience. I hope to do a good job with it. I will start work on it after I finish my exams. I still have to remember to get a paper saying I am a student from school and send it to them (I will get it when I go to the exam Tuesday).
I failed the Geometry exam yesterday -___-; It was hard.... The questions I picked were hard.... I couldn't even remember that there was such a proof for the first question. And for the second one I could not remember what it was the "main flexion" -___-; I get another chance next Thursday, but I have to study for the CG exam too, so I don't know how to do both. I hope you all are not having such problems with your schools.
And lastly, who did I steel this from??? ^_____^; Someone forgot it my house and I don't know who. No one has asked about it :(