this guy is a total idiot.

Jan 13, 2010 17:20

Name: Etsurou Ikeda
Age: 17
Orientation: Straight
Grade: B-

Personality: The most important thing in Etsurou’s life is having fun. He lives by the rule that ‘You only live once’ and is therefore already bored with the sleepy, peaceful Neko Island that his family have relocated to. Full of self-confidence, Etsurou has no qualms about talking to most people and can make friends within minutes of meeting somebody, winning them over with his playful and carefree attitude to life. He enjoys making people laugh and being the centre of attention whether it be the teller of a joke or pulling some stupid prank. He wouldn’t call himself the class clown, however, as he doesn’t believe in labels. His personality can also be interpreted as obnoxious and rude so he usually alienates the quieter students whilst befriending those more like himself.

Etsurou is also probably the laziest person in history, refusing to do chores or homework until the last minute and spending a lot of his free time playing video games, lounging around the house in his underwear and getting high. Sports, activities and clubs just don’t interest him: he’d much rather crawl home after school and sleep for hours.
He will make an effort to be friendly with most people but at times he can be incredibly shallow; suffering from bouts of vanity like many teenagers he tends to avoid those who’s appearance and social status he deems beneath him. He also tires of people quickly - if you fail to hold his interest he will simply move on to somebody else. His loyalty towards his true friends however, is unlimited. If Etsurou considers you a good friend he would never, under any circumstance, seek to harm you.

Etsurou isn’t always this carefree, lazy teenager though. He has often been spiteful towards people without really understanding what he’s saying. This is something he does sub-consciously and only after making somebody cry does he realise what a complete asshole he had been! He lacks sensitivity and comprehension of other people’s feelings. Etsurou isn’t particularly bothered if people don’t like him; he can be down-right blunt, to the point of being fierce, towards those who try to antagonise him and will never allow himself or his friends to be walked over.

Random Facts:
  • Arrogant, fun loving, friendly, shallow, obnoxious, playful, harmless, chatty, flirtatious, energetic, vivacious, ignorant, blunt, fair, astute, clever, lazy.....
  • He’s the biggest flirt going - he’ll flirt with any girl availiable!
  • Is a dab hand at poker and enjoys winning, particularly if there’s money to play for!
  • Loves his dog but absolutely hates having to walk him.
  • He loves peanut sauce.
  • Etsurou will try anything once,
  • He hates his mother’s boyfriends/husbands in general - her current one, Tatsuya, is a real pain in the ass.

History: Etsurou has never had a stable father figure in his life. When he was just four years old, his father Takeshi left the family and has never been heard of since. Despite being heart-broken, Reika Ikeda went through what felt like an endless supply of men to her children and she has had on again off again marriages/boyfriends for as long as they can remember. She has just recently divorced for the third time and has moved on to a new boyfriend seven years younger than herself.

He's pretty fucked up about sex as a result of a few childhood traumas. To the point where he expects girls to sleep with him, otherwise he gets bored. He lost his virginity at eleven years old to a thirteen year old babysitter.

Takeshi (Father - 45) Left his four year old son, girlfriend and step-daughter for reasons unknown to anybody except Reika (to be expanded on).
Reika (Mother - 45) - Etsurou’s mother is a fairly successful antique dealer and made a small fortune a few years back to give her once struggling family a more comfortable lifestyle. She loves her children dearly but treats them more as though they are her friends. She’s a hopeless romantic and is always falling in and out of love, usually with the worst kind of men.
Eri (Half-Sister - 22) - Moving to Neko Island has calmed Eri down, but back in the city she was going out of control. She lead a lifestyle of drugs, parties and other illegal activities that got her into trouble with the law and her school. Etsurou shares a good relationship with his sister and is fiercely protective over her despite the fact that she is five years his senior.

Loyal - Etsurou is incredibly loyal to those he cares about and would never dream of stabbing them in the back. The only problem is, there are very few people besides his family that he really does care for.
Thick-skinned - Although Etsurou is pretty much just a fun, lazy guy, his not so brilliant home life and growing up in the city has toughened him up a lot more than many of the students in his new school. He’s fully aware that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows and is more than prepared to stab people in the back if necessary.
Quick-thinking: Somehow Etsurou never manages to get panicked and can retain a clear, collected mind frame about things. This is probably because he’s just so effing lazy, though.

Ignorance: Etsurou has his opinions, but a lot of them are either completely ridiculous or just plain ignorant. For example, he claims not to be homophobic, it’s just he doesn’t *get* it. He then proceeds to tell every homosexual person he meets that he likes them, he just doesn’t *get* them.
(More weaknesses to come).
Tactless: Etsurou can be pretty selfish sometimes. If somebody's upset or reeling from some kind of truama he probably won't really know how to deal with and end up making some stupid joke.
Anger: He doesn't get angry often at all. But when he does, her seriously snaps.

Classroom Report: Etsurou has the potential to go all the way in terms of his education. However, he lacks discipline of any kind and is unable to either complete or even attempt serious pieces of coursework and therefore drops a couple of grades despite his impressive exam results. Other than this, it is sometimes impossible to get him to concentrate on the lesson at hand and he has shown a rude and aggressive nature in the past against teachers who attempt to discipline him.

Overnight Bag: Two changes of clothes; his favourite big hoody; mp3 player; toiletries; alcohol; condoms.

Class Relations
Boys -

Makoto Kokubo (Shaun!) - One moment Makoto and Etsurou behave like they’re best friends. The next, they are at each other’s throats. A more volatile ~love/hate~ relationship than the one he has with Chie, Etsurou and Makoto somehow get on one another’s last nerve due to clashing of personalities. What’s good, however, is that once they’ve made up they’re good buddies again! Yay!

Koda Iawamari (Andi) - Etsurou tends to avoid Koda most of the time as the other boy has made it quite clear he isn’t interested in having any kind of relationship. Not that this bothers Etsurou at all; his general consensus about the boy tends to be that he needs to remove the stick outta his ass!

Yukihiko Komayda (Zarrah) - They're total slacker buddies. When people are studying and actually bothering to educate themselve, Etsurou and Yuki pass the time by discussing anything and everything in between. Etsurou's the more confident, ~out there~ character with their conversations revolving around usual teenage shenanigans. Etsurou, being the fool that he is, tends to boast wildly about his exotic sex life (that is, the exotic sex life with the STD Poster Girl Zuki) which usually falls on a simply amused, eye-rolling Yuki.

Girls -

Aya Nishiyama (Rianne) - For a girl, Etsurou thinks Aya is pretty cool. She doesn’t care a whole about school and would be more than happy with lazing around the house watching movies than having to study all the time. Because they live directly opposite one another it means walking to school together is kind of they’re ~thing~ and they spend these minutes bitching about everything under the sun, but mostly about Etsurou's mom's boyfriend.

Chie Eda (Laurra) - Chie and Etsurou get on and consider each other a good friend. However, this state of friendliness doesn’t tend to last long as both of them become guilty of winding the other up (Etsurou is probably more responsible for the teasing) and they end up in an argument. All is not lost, though! The two become friends again fairly swiftly after a mutual apology. This is something which goes around in a circle though, and not a week goes past without some kind of argument for them.

Mizuki Abe (Laura) - Etsurou finds her bitchy attitude pretty hilarious and has no qualms about winding her up with Mizuki retaliating in just the same way. Delighted at finding out she was the Island tramp, Etsurou wasted no time at all in being awarded a place on her fuck buddy list. Although his female friends resent her promiscuity Etsurou really couldn’t care less; Mizuki is fun to hang out with and even better sleeping with.

Katsue Itsuma (David!) - It’s a mutual loathing to be honest, though Etsurou can’t resist on winding Katsue up on a daily basis because of her hilarious response - his favourite form of teasing her is usually through badmouthing her bitch mother whom despises Etsurou. Everything about Katsue and her life is the polar opposite to Etsurou’s.

Anna Arakida (NPC) - Freak.

Sora Tsurumi (NPC) - Etsurou thought she was hot, but not much else. Her constant need to be looked after was too much effort for him and he lost interest the minute he had slept with her. Then he cheated on her with Zuki, she found out, went crazy and dumped him. It was all pretty hilarious.

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