(no subject)

Sep 12, 2009 20:12

I got bored, and should be studying but am procrastinating instead, so I decided why not actually use my lj? I mean, other then keeping tabs on people, and a comm or two and such.

The semester has still just begun at school, but it's really kinda fun. The part thats stressful is going from moving 0 mph; doing nothing all day, but vegge out, smoke, and whine that there was nothing to do except roll around places cuz I was too lazy to really do much else. To 91723189273891 mph; doing everything and anything, constantly studying, always hanging out with someone, always driving somewhere, always having something to do, somewhere to go....It's a tad stressful jumping from one extreme to the other. When I have a moment of blissful peace, where I can relax, I end up vibrating with anticipation that theres something I should be doing....instead of just relaxing. So I am currently allowing myself a bit of lazyness, hoping I will be well rested and ready to go again by monday. I really dont want to burn out in my fourth week of school. That would suck, so hard core.

As for my actual classes, they're all really awesome. Although my orientation/time allowed to register was so incredibly late becuase of my major, I was fortunate enough to end up in classes that only fullfill GE effectivly, and a class that also covers my major to boot. I'm taking a theatre History class, which so far is kinda fun. My Prof, Dr. Wilson, is so amazing, her lactures are generally incredibly amusing, and though the material isnt all that interesting, -she- is just interesting to watch and interact with. Acting is her life, so I would hope she'd be interesting.

My Japanese Sensei is the sweetest lady I think I have ever met. She's very patient with all of us, a little silly, and just down right cute. She was born an raised in Japan, so she does speak some english, but upon occasion it's a little choppy, so when she kinda gives up on the word she's looking for, she says it in japanese and does all kinds of jestures. Oddly enough I'm soaking up the language much better then I thought I would have. I have a feeling it's cuz Masuyama-sensei is just that great of a teacher....that and I carry my Japanese text book with me every where, and whenever theres a free moment, I'm studying it.

My math class is boring as fuck, and my teacher and the tudor both move waaaaayyy too fast for me. Everyone else in the class gets it...and is younger then me by alot....so I'm starting to feel a little slow. Instead of asking her to slow down or repeat something, I've just be figuring it out on my own, online and with the text book. So far I've been doing all the assignments 100% correct....though I still feel kinda slow. @.@

And last is my Engl 40 class. It's Intro to Britsh Lit. Basically we're learning how to read Midevil English without a translation, and apprently thats what our final will be....It's interesting I suppose....but the class is supposed to be a discussion session, not a lecture....and theres over 120 students in it, and 1 professor....I get the feeling Im really not getting everything I could be getting out of the class....but we've got a few really intelegent people in the class, that really make it interesting. Someone says something not so smart, then they say something Intelegent...and then I decide to be argumentative, and we end up debating the text. It's fun....but Im really not all that into it. I argue to make it interesting....as annoying as that is.

Im fortunate enough to have some epicly awesome profs. They're all amazing, friendly people....all I just noticed they're all women, huh.

Work is fun. I got a job at Quicksilver/DC factory store. It's actually not so bad. The manager and all the other eemployees were insistant working there was going to kill retail for me, and now I know why. They're so chill about most everything at Quick. For example, the store strives to create customers for life, so my job is just to strike up a converstation with customers...and do what I can to make friends/aquaintances with them so they'll keep coming back. It's the easiest and most fun thing in the world to ask people "Hey sup? Hows your day going?" "Is there a size or style of that you'd like me to help you find?" "Got any plans for today, or are you just the pack mule for the wife?" I even got to spend a half hour today playing soccer with a few little 3 year olds in the store. Their mothers were incredibly greatful, and the little boys were having a blast trying to make me have to chase the ball around the store so it wouldnt break anything. In short, I love my job.

Now if only I could move my school, friends, job, and family to LA....then everything would be perfect.
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