I think I might have done this once....but I'll do it again anyway!

Jun 06, 2009 17:15

► Are you single ➔ yep
► Are you happy ➔ yep
► Are you bored ➔ Just killing time
► Are you sad ➔ Nope
► Are you Italian ➔ nope
► Are you German ➔part
► Are you Asian ➔ nope
► Are you angry ➔ nope
► Are you Irish ➔ almost full
► Are your parents still married ➔ nope

► Birth Place ➔ California, Fairfeild
► Hair Color ➔ almost black
► Hair Style ➔ Uh...I can curl or straighten it. Naturally it's wavy.
► Eye color ➔ Kinda Hazel? They're kinda gold in the light.
► Birthday ➔ 2/2
► Mood ➔ inspired
► Gender ➔ female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ righty
► Summer or Winter ➔ fall
► Morning or Afternoon ➔ Im a night owl.

► Are you in love ➔ Nope
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Dunno
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I did.
► Have you ever been hurt ➔ Kinda yeah
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ yep a few of them.
► Are you friends with your ex ➔ Nope, but I'm still friendly
► Are you afraid of commitment ➔ nope
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ nope. I dont really do hugs much.
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Uh...wouldnt know?
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ no, but I wouldnt doubt my ability too.

► Love or Lust ➔ love
► Lemonade or Iced tea ➔ tea. Ew lemonade.
► Cats or Dogs ➔ DOGS
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends
► Television or Internet ➔ internet...though I'd rather have a really good book.
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Coke Zero
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Dunno?
► Pink or Purple ➔ purple
► Day or Night ➔ night
► IM or Phone ➔ IM

► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Never tried.
► Fallen off the stairs ➔ often
► White water rafted ➔ not into extreme sports
► Finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ nope
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yeah, something.
► Prank called a store ➔ no
► Skipped School ➔ often
► Wanted to disappear ➔ nope. I'm too stubborn and rebellous to just disappear.

► Smile or Eyes ➔ Smile
► Light or Dark Hair ➔ depends
► Fat or Skinny ➔ Skinny....preferably toned.
► Shorter or Taller ➔ If they're heart's big enough it doesnt matter.
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Huh? I'm attracted to intelligence....
► Jock or Nerd ➔ Kinda nerdy
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ relationship
► Funny and poor OR Rich and serious ➔ Funny and Poor. I'd rather laugh and have a good time then have money spent on me.
► Play the guitar or into sports ➔ guitar, duh.

► Last Phone Call/Text ➔ dad
► Last phone call you received ➔ ford
► Last person you hung out with ➔ dad and tammy
► Last person you hugged ➔ Uh....I think it was Joe?
► Last person you IM'ed ➔ Tammy
► Last thing you ate ➔ Banana
► Last thing you drank ➔ Coffee
► Last site you went to ➔ Facebook
► Last place you were ➔ Gas station getting gas. XD

► Are you in a committed relationship ➔ nope
► Do you want to be ➔ eventually
► When was your last relationship ➔ four years ago, there 'bouts
► Have you ever loved a guy/girl more than anything else in the world? ➔ nope.
► Do you still love them ➔ n/a
► Do you like someone right now ➔ nope

► Do you and your family get along ➔ some of them yeah.
► Would you say you have a "fucked up life"➔ nope
► Have you ever run away from home ➔ kinda....I left, not really what I'd call running away.
► If so, how long ➔  2 years ago
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ nope
► If so, how long ➔ N/A

► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ They wouldnt be a friend if I hated them.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Sure I guess.
► Do you trust all your friends ➔ I dont trust too many people.
► Who are/is your best friend(s) ➔ Amy
► Would you die for them ➔ If I really had too....though I'd rather live for them to be honest. ^^;
► Who knows everything about you ➔ Uh....alot of my family...and amy.
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