I'm not particularly interested in seeing the recent Bill Mahr movie Religulous. I'm sure I can find more reasonable atheist opinion elsewhere; but I did want to agree with the first paragraph of the Christianity Today
review of the film:
"Let's face it: most documentaries these days don't bother to document anything in an objective, journalistic
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Comments 4
I don't think the attack movies are a particularly bad thing... they're just not real documentaries. Watching the little guy with the camera take on the big guy makes for a fun movie, especially if you don't like the big guy in question. But I think our problem is that we classify these as documentaries.
Exactly, they're polemics. There's certainly a place for those, but they do get annoying after awhile.
He and I recognize that religions, and specifically the Judeo/Christian traditions, have been forces for good in the world as well as harm. The more time that passes, the more the balance shifts in favor of good, and these religions align with other good things such as freedom and democracy.
For this, I am in favor of them. And it is for those reasons -- that they are forces for good -- that Bill Maher despises them.
Since US religious people tend to be patriotic Americans, Maher believes that his task is to destroy their faiths. His real target, of course, is America.
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