Since this day isn't yet done/I hate it, I'mma go ahead and do yesterday.
Ummm. I started moving around about 5:45, after waking up to my third alarm--the first is at 5, with Bel's "bloody prince", another at 5:30 with Kikyo's stupid "Kyouki no Hana", and then the last being Dino's "Be More". Oh, god, Dino. Stop it. Please. For my heart's health--and, of course, if you know me, I can be awake for an hour before I start moving. I got dressed and packed a few of my things before mutti and I headed out to the bus stop, where I waited for five minutes before actually getting on.
Since I've been getting, like. 3 hours of sleep a day, I tried to sleep on the bus, but that's an impossibility for me, hurr. I also ride the bus with so many friends that talking is just what comes first. Oh, and the bus ride takes about an hour and a half.
School. French first. I forgot how to pronounce the letter y. I blame the French language. LIKE REALLY YOU'RE GONNA MAKE Y SOUND LIKE EEGREKKAAAAAAAH. HOW RUDE.
Then AP World History. My teacher is fourteen levels of cool. Same goes for Biology. Just... cool. I like Red days better, lol. I asked my Biology teacher to sign the agenda I was to give Tomatillo today, just for fun. So Tomas could, y'know. Open up the book and be pleasantly surprised.
Lunch. They play music at my school on Fridays. Fun, fun. I barely got to eat.
Art. CERAMICS. Oh my god, I suck at 3D things, but it is so much fun working with clay. Don't you just feel accomplished when your hands are dirty and covered with clay? Like you're actually doing stuff. (We're making a wall relief. We're not allowed to learn throwing until Junior year.) During art, we had a lockdown, so all the art kids and teachers hid inside the Printmaking room. I sat underneath a table with my friend, Christina, and we held hands as the teachers turned off the lights.
Let me set the stage. The Printmaking room in indoors--no doors leading outside, only one door, really, and no windows. Let me repeat this. No windows. There are no windows in MY SCHOOL. Pitch black. Seriously. Like, dark room black. So black that your eyes are as open as you can possibly make them, but you still can't even pretend to know where things are.
Yeah. Fun. >w<
Ummm. Went off without a hitch, not that I thought we were gonna die. Like my ceramics teacher would let us die on her watch. She'll cut off that man's hand and then slap him with it. FUCK YOU BITCH I'M MISS DENNARD NOW BEND THE FUCK OVER. Yeah. Like that.
Umm. Left art. Got some more signatures--apparently, my bruder likes me. Whatever, Miss Montgomery, he doesn't--and then popped into the car to head to the airport to head to Chicago to meet up with vatti, bruder and bruder's best friend.
We got lost, which means mutti panicked. Got to the airport and realized only too late that my Tripp pants are airport unfriendly. I had to get patted down. -sigh- After that, we waited for about an hour until we got into the plane, then another while we got all loaded up. I read "Catching Fire" to kill the time. Finished it again. -read it four times- Ummm.
Got in Chicago. Got lost in the airport. Got lost in the subways. Ate AT Subway. Hotel room. Sleep. Not much else to say. I was lonely, though, because no one would text me. I hate my family and I hate Chicago. And now I have no friends who will/can or want to talk to me. Hur hurr.
The person I keep referring to as my best friend, is actually someone I haven't seen in, like. A year. Teresa Jones. Tahweesah. She's the route I met
thecommoniguana by. We've known each other since we were both 18 months old, but I don't really talk to her much anymore. It makes me sad. Why can't I be more like her...?
Now, though, I guess it's no one. Not no one as in, "I can't chooooose", but no one as in, I don't want to choose anyone. No one can really deal with me all that much, and the only person who does probably definitely doesn't consider me their best friend. All I do is bother them, and right now they're actually pretty pissed off at me. /slashwrists
I wish I had a best friend. I don't know what to use, what sort of checklist I should have to decide, anyway. There are a lot of people close to me, and a lot of people I only see outside of school and a lot of people who completely understand me, but... There's not really anyone I know who crosses all three of them. And so I don't wanna choose.
The roof of my mouth hurts. It's because I ate at Potbelly's a little while earlier. A Turkey Breast sandwich with added Mayo. Mariah, you're so boring, I'm crying. Also, yes. Eating makes me ache. You think I'm joking.
We rode the subway from the hotel to Tomas' college dorm so we could help unload, unpack and I didn't really do anything. I did his bed while he was getting his laptop downstairs, then collapsed onto the couch. I slept for.... three hours? Because mutti says I'm weak from lack of food. Liar. In his dorm, Tomatillo has a loft, which is where his bed is, and it's pretty awesome. It's in the same room as the kitchen and maybe 8 or 9 feet off the ground. While up there, I kept smacking my head against the ceiling and almost feel off four times. I also slept a little bit while I was stretching his blanket. Just. Kerplop. Sleep. Lol. I'm waiting for the call that he's had his skull smashed in because he rolled over too fast. Oh, Tomatillo.