Title: Colours of the Rainbow
Summary: Victor gets his first introduction to Dean from a yellow file folder.
Characters: Victor Henrikson, DDO Stephen Groves
Disclaimer: This was written for fun, not profit. All rights remain with the license holders.
Status: Complete
Posted: 16 Aug 2010
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild language and content but nothing much
AN: Written for the
spnland ‘I Fought the Law’ writing challenge (write a 100-400 word story from Victor’s POV); this won 2nd Place. w00t!
“Why isn’t the BAU handling him?” Title: Persons of Interest
Summary: Reidy finds certain things about the events in Green River... interesting. Victor just finds them annoying.
Characters: Victor Henrikson, Calvin Reidy
Disclaimer: This was written for fun, not profit. All rights remain with the license holders.
Status: Complete
Posted: 17 Aug 2010
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild language and content but nothing much
AN: Written for the
spnland ‘I Fought the Law’ writing challenge (write a 100-400 word story from Victor’s POV); this won 3rd Place. w00t again!
“Ghosts,” Vincent tried not to sound sarcastic, really he did. He failed.