Jul 26, 2019 21:45
So Photobucket decided to charge for their storage services, and although I was under the limit for a free account, they deluged me with "You're over the limit - Pay Up!" style emails. So I deleted my account.
I found a new site... Well, an old site that now has codes to embed pics - Mediafire.
Long story short (too late!) I've uploaded all my fic pictures to my Mediafire account and have been working to embed them back into my fics on AO3. Thank you to everyone who let me know they were missed. The pics should be back up now. Let me know if I missed any.
(I haven't checked my LJ account yet. That's gonna be a job. -sigh)
series:ghosts of future past,
series:brother mine,
i did this!,
series:how to survive a fire,
series:new world man,
series:dignity of dragons,