Jun 02, 2009 20:32
Rob had veered from stubborn, delusional, confident soldier, to pathetic, self-pitying ball of miserable around lunch time the day after meeting the unique Dr Volakis. He went from vehemently denying he could have caught anything on service to deciding he had about ten different tropical diseases from drinking island beach water. Not that he remembered drinking it, but he might have. He went from roasting hot to freezing, shivering cold with such rapid pace that it felt like he had whiplash all over his body and he may have even pull a muscle in his back from flinging the covers off abruptly too many times and then trying to weakly claw them back on top of him in a messy pile when the shivers set in again.
The coughing had caused him to have very little voice left and his nose felt like he had scraped a whole layer of skin off with sandpaper. When he looked in the mirror, he actually had to double take to make sure it was himself he was looking at and not something out of a bad horror movie sequel. He knew he was climaxing in misery when he put The Simpsons on and was cringing away from Bart's voice like it was nails down a chalkboard.
All in all, it was likely he was suffering from a severe and atrocious case of the dreaded Man Flu.
There was just no damn way he was going to admit that. Nor was he going to admit that toilet paper felt much nicer on his nose than Kleenex.
[character] fox,
[character] rob laird,
[place] the resort,
[post] closed