Jan 07, 2009 07:58
House decided that whoever created Speedos had to die. He also decided it was an Aussie and by default, that mean Chase should suffer. He spent all morning trailing the younger blond doctor to infuriation until Chase finally locked him out of the Medical Centre and erased his passcode. The evil genius plan had worked - without a passcode, he couldn't do Clinic duty.
He was now by the pool and sunk down into one of the lounges with a brightly coloured cocktail containing no less than five little umbrellas nursed in his hand. House loved this place for the pure reason it was forever Bikini Week here. With no one putting the heavies on to be in the Clinic (and yes, Cuddy still managed to harrass him for it... it was likely Chase was paying her for the services), he was going to partake in his two favourite activities:
Perving and piss ups.
[post] open,
[place] the resort,
[character] buffy summers