If anyone happened to pass by the library, they might notice an interesting change in the building. For one thing, one could now see into the windows.
Wesley hadn't a clue who had been taking care of the library before. Clearly someone had, in a limited capacity, keeping the dust level below lethal, shelves and doors repaired, plumbing working, etc
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"No I have not read a book today!" Walter exclaims, clapping his hands once in excitement as a wide grin spreads across his face. He's enjoyed wandering the town, but he misses learning and teaching. The library would be perfect! They'll even have periodicals so he can look to see who is hiring. Briefly he thinks of working in the library, and though he loves his research, his first love is still science, and with that his experiments.
That realization doesn't quell Walter's excitement though. He's missed his research as well. After all, research and experimentation go hand in hand. With that, Walter rushes up to the main doors, just barely managing to contain himself before he
"Good morning, sir. May I assist you with anything?"
"Oh my, yes. Are you the one responsible for this? Simply wonderful!" he said, starting to look around in awe again. "I've been wondering why there is no library on the island, as there seemed to be everything else. Simply wonderful!"
He looks around again with a big smile on his face. "Could you, perhaps, point me to the science section?"
At the question, he gestures down a particular aisle. "Books with scientific focus start three rows down on the left, there, though I apologize for the disarray - I've not gotten to that section yet. The periodical archives are past that, the door underneath the painting of the hummingbirds, but I'm afraid I've not even finished dusting in there. It would be a futile endeavor until I clear enough tables and floor space to pull everything out and do a complete re-cataloging."
Walter was just about to walk away to the section indicated to him when he thought of something. He looked at the librarian apraisingly. He seemed to be rather intelligent, if one could determine intelligence based on a two minute conversation and outward appearance.
"I don't suppose you have come across any books on fringe science," Walter asked, almost in a whisper, knowing that fringe was both new and in some cases, highly unorthodox. "I realize you said you hadn't been through that section yet, but one can hope, correct?"
"Thank you," he replied to the compliment, and then frowned slightly at the inquiry. "I'm afraid fringe science is a rather loose term in a multi-dimensional library, sir. Everything's been studied by someone or other. If there are particular topics or researchers you're interested in, and we don't have them in stock, I could try to order some in. I'n not tested the ordering system yet."
"I see, I see," he replied contemplatively. "Well then, how about anything on multi-dimensions or possibly William Bell?" Walter thought it unlikely, but Bell did seem to become rather powerful after their days as lab partners and this place was, after all, another dimension. It couldn't hurt to look it up, maybe find out a bit more about this place.
He glanced back to see if the man was following, and then proceeded to the science section, where he began shifting stacks and going through shelves until he had amassed five weighty-looking tomes and one slim book.
Walter walked over with the librarian, he had to see exactly what was in the collection here! And what a collection! Walter couldn't help but clap his hands together in excitement. "Oh my! You have Charles Gwinden's The Worlds Beyond: The History of Multidimensionalism! I do love his theories! And they've lead to so much development! Excellent! Simply excellent!"
"Is there anything else I can assist you with, sir?"
Walter stopped to consider the librarian's question. "Well, I suppose I'll be needing a library card of some descript. I noticed you are doing some things a little more electronically here, at least with the gadget you have to let you know someone has come in, so maybe not a card, per se, but some sort of book lending device," Walter replied, still smiling broadly. He likes this young man, at least likes that he knows so much about even the more rare topics.
Wesley glanced back to the desk. "Still cards, I believe. Would you like to be the first new recipient?" He's still smiling gently - it seems to be a permanent expression around the bubbling scholar. He gathered most of the books it looked like Walter was going to check out and headed back to the front and the front desk.
"I would love to be the first new recipient! I'm sure this place will help a lot in my research."
He gestured toward a spot on the wall next to the desk where a pale brown cloth hung in such a way that anyone not obscenely tall or short could stand in front of the cloth and have their picture taken by the small camera poised on the end of the desk. "Stand just over there, please, sir, and smile for the camera."
"Oh this is wonderful!" Walter exclaims, as he stands in front of the cloth. He smiles widely, though really it's more out of excitement than because he was asked to for the picture.
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