Aug 14, 2009 06:33
Elle didn't swim. She wasn't into karaoke, and she was hardly going to be checking out a gay bar. Even if the guys that went into it were definitely hot. For a brief moment, her voyeuristic side was entertained by the idea of entering Aquatic Chaos, but she passed.
She wasn't good at being quiet in a library either, or standing outside the pet shop looking at puppies. A conversation with the blond doctor when she'd first arrived still had her frowning a little, like she was supposed to know something, and didn't.
She didn't like secrets. Secrets bothered her, and she always wanted to find them out. She veered towards the medical centre, wondering if it was too early to start spying on someone on the island.
Her course changed again at the last moment, and she sighed in frustration. She had an entire island playground at her feet, and she couldn't think of a single thing to do to pass the time. Or at least not something family friendly.
She stood on a street corner, hands on her hips as she pouted a little and cursed the island's choice of activities. Didn't they have anything fun?
[post] open,
[place] beach street