[fic] Au Naturel part two [France/America]

Jan 20, 2011 21:44

Title: Au Naturel
Author: etre_sans_age
Rating: NC-17
Characters: France/America
Warnings: smut - oral, frot
Wordcount: 905
Author's Notes: Reposted from the kink meme with edits. For the prompt - smutty France/America that glorifies in France's gorgeous, manly body hair. Requester specified smut and non-crack. This last chapter is so short, doesn't even deserve its own entry, but please enjoy my homage to my favorite doujinshi ever.

[ part one]

America holds on as best as he could, shuddering deeply as France kisses a trail down his stomach, over his navel, nuzzling fondly at the last traces of belly fat that hours of jogging and sit-ups were not able to fully eradicate. The gesture makes America flail a bit, cheeks heating up as he sheepishly admits, “All right, I get it, I need to lose a few more pounds. Or kilos, whatever.”

“Oh, I think you are perfect like this, America. However, if you still want to lose some weight, I could show you the benefits of the French diet… again,” France suggests, his smile bright and amused.

“Yeah, I know you would love that.” The French diet, if one could seriously call it a diet, worked fantastic, but only as long as he was doing it with France, and even then, it would require multiple sessions before America felt like he was making any progress. In fact, there weren’t enough hours in the day for how many sessions they would have to do in order for him to lose weight in a reasonable amount of time - he had calculated everything out himself, and the number was ginormous. But America had felt that they could always try as much as they can, because really, every little bit helps.

Flashing France a crooked grin, America reaches out and threads his fingers through the long hair, scratching at his scalp as France purrs contentedly under the ministrations. He rubs his cheek against America’s stomach, still purring, until America can feel the vibrations through his skin, and he is torn between laughing and groaning. It’s always like this with France, he thinks, and he can never make up his mind what to do.

With a blissful sigh, America sinks back into the pillows while France presses his fingers over the front of his boxers, lightly, teasingly.

“Oh God, France, more, please…”

France indulges him by sliding his boxers down gently, down off his legs, and as soon as his erection is freed, it is promptly engulfed in a hot mouth, causing America to nearly bite his tongue off from the shock. Backing off, France leans over and laves the shaft with a skillful tongue, before wrapping his lips around the head and sucking at the drops of precum beading there. Eyelids lowered, he then takes America’s cock easily and fully into his mouth with a heartfelt appreciation he rarely shows in public these days.

America grasps blindly for France, and his toes curl tightly into the sheets. His throat has become hoarse from the frantic moans tumbling from his lips as France pleasures him with his usual finesse, and each time France’s stubbled chin scrapes against his inner thighs, he feels another jolt bringing him ever closer to orgasm.

Normally he wouldn’t refuse such awesome oral, but right now he badly needs to feel more of France, more than what he is currently being allowed. He finally catches a handful of France’s hair and with superhuman resolve, carefully pulls him back and away. France looks up at him questioningly, lips shiny and plump from his work, and grinning madly, America maneuvers him onto his back, pinning his wrists to the bed.

“Ah, so soon?” France purrs in mock surprise as America flops onto him gleefully. The weight does knock the breath out of him, but France could not complain, as that would be terribly gauche and ruin the mood. America doesn’t say anything, just rubs himself against France’s length, slowly but vigorously, indulging his need to touch and feel such glorious French body hair all at once, until his neurons nearly short-circuit from the sensual overload.

Separating himself from the other just enough, America grabs at France’s hand and moves it down between them with a desperate urgency. Instinctively, their fingers slide and stroke over hot slick skin, America pumping away hard while France teases and toys with the overly sensitive tip of his cock.

America comes after only a few strokes, crying out in relief and shuddering hard as he empties himself messily. Only a little bit afterwards, France joins him, sighing in satisfaction. Groaning quietly, America rolls onto his side, panting as hard as if he had run a marathon. When he finally is able to speak, he tries to say thanks, but France shushes him with a kiss, long and tender. They break the kiss only because they do not want to suffocate, yet even as they recover, they continue to press their lips together again and again, unable to stop.

“W-wow…” America eventually says, needing to fill up the silence with something more than the sound of lips meeting lips. He feels that isn’t enough to describe the experience and adds, “That was… just… wow.”

Accustomed to his love-making skills leaving even the most talkative of his partners speechless, France smiles in acknowledgement. America likes to cuddle after sex, so he lets himself be embraced within those muscular arms, and even though they are sticky and sweaty and he could really use a cigarette or a glass of wine, France closes his eyes instead, enjoying the moment. As he is about to doze off, he hears America whisper in a tiny voice.

“Love you.”

He would answer, je t’aime, but he needs to sleep and regain his energy, because he knows what his darling boy would say next.

“…Can we do it again?”

france/america, france, rated: nc-17, america

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