Plenty of people from my good ol' ATPoBtVS on Live Journal, coolness. Spent some time adding friends, I might spend more time here.
Tried to get my parrents to watch Once Upon a Time in China yesterday. Didn't work so well. My mother wasn't enthusiasmed, and even my father didn't look like he wanted to watch the end of the movie later. Bah, they
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Noticed this in your user info. I'm curious what this means to you, since I am agnostic and have pantheistic leanings myself.
Damn, I love that Faith pic.
It's hot, isn't it? In more ways than one...
I'm more of an agnostic (neutral on the existence of God issue) than I am a pantheist. I'm like you. A pantheist is what I would be if I took a theist side on the issue. I also like the appreciation of nature (nature as divine) in Pantheism. I always feel closer to my spiritual side when I'm in nature. I don't think I could ever take this as far as Paganism, which has a (poly)theistic bent to it and tends to focus on Earth as opposed to other realms of nature, though.
Yeah, very distracting
For nature I don't know, I don't really like to divide the world into realm of the natural and realm of the artificial... the world is one, and those are just divisions of the mind. But I do like to consider the world, the experience of life, of interracting with it, as divine. If I had to define what is God, I would say it is the principle of existence, that things that makes that "maybe" becomes "is". I think we should always remember that simple wonder at all the amazing things that living entails. To see colours, the hear sounds, music, to know people, to love them, the marvellous infinite kinds of difference the world is full of. It's so easy to consider it and to think it's banal. And that's my take at pantheism : to consider every single things as magic, as divine.
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