Top five stuff

Jul 31, 2005 13:36

elihice asked me for my top five unconventionnal movies
I'm gonna assume that by unconventionnal you mean non blockbuster holliwoodian, ne ?

1- Brazil by Terry Gillian
There's a reason Terry Gillian is my favourite director, and that's it

2- Clerks by Kevin Smith
'cuz duh, it's just a very fun movie all around which I remember fondly even if it's been 10 years or more since I saw it

3- In the Mood for Love
Does it count as unconventionnal ? Beautiful asian movie (was it Singapour ?) full of grace and wonderful music

4- The Wedding Banquet by Ang Lee
I was a Ang Lee fan much earlier than Crouching Tiger mostly because of this movie, a delightfully tender comedy

5- Pi
Because it's a delightfully brainbroky movie and I love the Mage:the Ascension vibe of it

sakuraragi asked for my "Top five books that made you cry" yay, books !

All right, from books I remember I did cry :

1- Use of Weapon by Ian M. Banks
This book's end is a punch in the stomach. I had difficulty breathing. I love all the Culture books but Use of Weapon is forever my favourite

2- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
I still remember as that book as one of those who marked me the deepest. Not very original I know, but it's Card's gift in writing children that some readers utterly identify with. I was sobbing by the end, and couldn't bear to go to sleep so it was one of my first all nighter I spent reading ^^

3- The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay
It's funny I don't remember I cried in Kay's other, better written books but I remember crying during that one. There's something about Paul's ordeal on the summer tree that pushes all my buttons, when someone is pushed in circumstances that let them utterly naked and raw to face themselves for themselves. I think it was one of the first occasion that started my fascination for Hanged Man figures.

4- Memory, by Lois McMaster Bujold
Ahh, the Vorkosigan books. I think I also cried in Mirror Dance but I can't remember for sure. Regardless, those two are my favourite of the serie. The point when Miles is utterly broken and Ivan is called to the rescue and pushes him in cold water, the reversal of their usual dynamics and how much light it shed on their respective personnalities...

5- Gateway by Frederic Pohl
At first glance it's a classical Space op book from the golden age. At second glance, it's really a book about psychanalysis, grief, and dealing with the past. I adore Frederic Pohl, for such and old, classical SF writer, he's got an extremely modern writing style (one that Azimov, Van Vogt, Herbert or even Vance certainly do not have) with very likeable characters

Whoaw, only one fantasy book among these bunch of Sci-fi ones... strange. I guess it's because I tend to cry much less while reading a book nowadays that I read more fantasy than sci-fo than I used to. It's sad in a way.

su_chan asked for my top five for favourite cities

I'm sticking to cities I've been to

1- Paris
can't get around it, heh ? It's full of grumpy people, dog's poo and has a terrible weather but I still love living here

2- Rennes
I spent one month in thise brittany city when I was 17 and loved it. Then again, I love brittany

3- Prague
I really loved visiting this city, it's terribly beautiful

4- Munich
a very pretty city as well

5- *draws a blank*
Err, I need to visit more cities ?


Harry the heir asked me for my to 5 French movies :

1- La Haine by Mathieu Kassowitz
and extremely clever, structured, funny, harsh and striking movie

2- Le Fabuleux Destin dAmelie Poulain
because it's such a delight to watch

3- Mina Tanembaum
It's one of those friendship of two very different girls movie, made me cry

4- Cyrano de Bergerac
Despite Depardieu being in it, it was a very good adaptation of the play, and one I loved

5- Elisa
Because it's got an extremely likable Vanessa Paradis in it. Plus, Gainsbourg music

meme: book, meme: top five, medium: books, review: movies

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