meeep !!
I spend one week vacation, and i loose the habit of updating entries, don't I ? Oh well.. I have twenty minutes before my Macroeconomics Midterm so let's see what I could do :
Yes, I did eventually change my layout (not that this entails more than picking a general theme and playing with colours since I'm so graphically disenclined) So now I'm all purpled up. Yay. However I need a new Mood Icon set to fit this, anyone's got a suggestion about where I could find one ?
Good grads for Midterms have continued, I got an A on IR. Need to be careful not to become too proud and arrogant about it - sometimes I scare myself with how vain I can, and suddenly not slacking so much in classes have exponential results.
Lots of people from my flist are not looking so well for different reasons or doing hiatus. I feel sorry for them and hope they'll all get better. Take care everyone.
I finished reading the Wild Cards novellas. A strange gathering of good, okay and mediochre. GRRM's one alone made it worth reading, and a few others were interesting. As a global theme for writing, the Wild Card idea is interesting, I guess, and a way to look at the history of the US. However, it might have been revolutionnary at the time, but nowadays I'd rather read an issue of the Ultimates for for a cutting edge and multilayered tale of superheroes. Not that I am that familiar with superheroes in the first place. ^_^
Fevre Dreams I have also finished yesterday. It was slow to get in at first, but once I arrived midway throught it, I was hooked and it became fast. Loved the parallel between the slavery and vampires' relations with their "cattle". In a way I was surprised by how much in this book related with the Vampire : the Masquerade mythos and themes... amusing. As a vampire novel, however, I'll stand my point it isn't that interesting, original or worthy. I'd take CS Friedman in Season of Change or Coldfire, Tim Powers' Stress of her Look or even Dan Simmons' anyday over it. Well written, nice atmosphere, great sense of desperate epic as often in Martin... but just not unique enough.
By the way Teresa ! I recced To say nothing of the dog to my dad and he LOVED it. Said it was the best SF book he had read in a couple of years. So I thought you'd like to share a part of the credit for it, since you're the one who intially recced it to me ^^
Went to bought the french translate of Tsubasa reservoir Chronicle yesterday too. As a translation it is probablt as butchered as the American edition is, but it's nice owning it. I used the occasion to finnaly buy the last X volumes I still couldn't find in bargain sales : 15 and 16. This calls for a re-reading of the whole thing. ^_^
Okay, that's all for now. Tonight the School organize a Halloween party I should go to (since it's the first one i've actually got the time to attend)
PS : People, go participate to the Hinoto, Kanoe & Daisuke Character Discution at
togakushishrine NOW !