JiM has lost me already, interest-wise. I'm giving it a chance for a few more issues, but if I weren't already interested in Sif, well - the book isn't giving me any reason to care about what's happening ...
Legacy appears to be getting better, after a start that was way too slow for me.
And ANXM I'm enjoying a lot, as I said above. Oh, and I liked Jean's nightmare - I'm choosing to see that as a good sign. *g*
IMO Legacy made the same mistake as JiM - it initially didn't give me any reason to care about what was happening. And unlike Sif, I'm really not that interested in Legion to begin with. Character work is important, but first you've got to make me care!
Legacy appears to be getting better, after a start that was way too slow for me.
And ANXM I'm enjoying a lot, as I said above. Oh, and I liked Jean's nightmare - I'm choosing to see that as a good sign. *g*
Ah, well. We'll see where it all goes.
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