AvX Consequences
Now that AvX Consequences is over, I'm a bit disappointed about it actually. It's of course ten times better than AvX but that's not hard and it has a couple of great scenes, but overall it feels a bit shallow on characterisation and rather trite on the thematics front.
The letter from Cyclops especially didn't work. Gillen pushed very hard the "new Xavier & Magneto" dynamics and that's really not something they've established enough with Logan. (There are other issues with Cyke, but those are minor.) Also the unsubtleness just makes me roll my eyes.
Point One As usual it's more a series of teaser than anything. It didn't really change my opinion on anything: I was excited about Young Avengers and now I'm still excited about Young Avengers. I was cautiously interested about FF and now I'm cautiously interested about FF. I intrigued by Cable & X-Force and now I'm still intrigued about Cable & X-Force. I didn't give a shit about about Nova or Nick Fury Jr and now I still don't give a shit about Nova and Nick Fury Jr. *shrugs* Though I guess I liked it better than last years'. It seems better constructed.
Uncanny Avengers #1
wow, Rogue's punch really does come out of nowhere in being a U Turn on Rogue's Children's Crusade characterizations. >_<
Deadpool #1
I think it's off to a fun start. I already like the start of the supporting cast. I wasn't very optimistic about it, so I'm pleasantly surprised although it's hard from showing yet the depth of characterisation I'd love best.
Iron Man #1
I'm probably not much qualified to say much about it, but I wasn't particularly hooked in.
All New X-Men #1
A bit meh. Nothing really surprising but perhaps that's because we saw so much already in previews. The X-Men spend most of it flailing in a very Bendis manner. Characters are hazy. But it's not horrible either. Just... slow.
X-Men Legacy #1
Pretty awesome pulp vibe; sometimes a little bit too much on the confusing side, but a promising title, definitely.
Thor God of Thunder #1
Very good. I wasn't sold on the concept at all but this was a very good issue. Atmospheric and dynamic, very immediately intriguing.
F4 #1
Much less good. It doesn't do a bad job of establishing things but it, I dunno, it was neither exciting nor endearing.
Avengers Assemble #9
This reads like Avengers movieverse fanfics. By which I mean good Avengers movieverse fanfics. Fun, dynamic, pitch perfect characters beats & interaction.
Deadpool #2
I was a bit less into it. Not bad, but certainly no additional depth and fewer of the jokes made me smile.
Ironman #2
Still bored.
FF #1
Good stuff! Very decisive & loveable tone and vibe and solid character establishing. I think I'll like this title much more than F4.
Uncanny Avengers #2
Slightly better than #1, mostly on the strength of Wanda and Rogue's scenes. I still want to punch Logan, Cap & Thor; also my strong dislike for pulp Nazis is really getting in the way of my enjoyment of this.
Still has pacing/too much speaking problems; but does so in a way that is intense and riveting so far; so good enough and does makes the best of its premise. It's such a relief to see Kitty written by anyone else than Aaron.
Legacy #2
Even more confusing, still rather intriguing; but it's going to need to get some sort of solid focus soon to keep on being interesting. Gets some points for that one panel of Frenzy being sassy though.
A+X #2
Loads of fun. PAD should write Kitty more often.
Thor #2
Continues being solidly good in a very distinct way. I do enjoy young!Thor's cockiness.
Not feeling the way Bendis introduces changes to the characters' powers and their dynamics. Most of their voices are way off and they feel OOC. Magneto's the only one half way good. Heh.
Avengers #1
I feel like I've just watched a trailer. A pompous, boring and incoherent trailer. Also, never a big fan of huge numbers of casualty done in a throwaway manner, and the way they try to tying to the moves falls very flat (unlike, say, Avengers Assemble).
Journey into Mystery #646
Nice! Good flow, nice characterisation & dialogue, cool premise and set up, lovely art.
Iron Man #3
Slightly better. I guess it has earned itself another 3 issues to see if it gets good.
Thunderbolts #1
That... neither repulsed nor hooked me. Which isn't exactly what I'd call a great job for a first issue, but huh. I'll give it another issue or two.
Cable & X-Force #1
Not really sure about the premise yet; but the issue won me over with the Cable & Hope interaction. Not that Dom and Forge were bad. (damnit, why can't Wade be in this book?)
Avengers Assemble #10
Still not sure if it should be considered a Marvel NOW book, but anyway, it continues to feature excellent character beats / character interaction and also ramp up the tension big time. Especially loved the exchange between Cap & Cap.
F4 #2
Better, but probably mostly because I like the FF crowd so... story proper starts next issue I presume. We'll see then.
Still unsure whether or not I want to bother checking out the new Cap & Hulk. I mean, they're not titles I'd be interested on my own, but they seem to have good reviews.
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