Maybe because they're things easier to write fic about?
Something that's off-beat from the norm is, by definition, off-beat and thus gonna be a bit harder than something like Harry Potter fic to capture the feel of.
huh, i'm not convinced actually. I think fandom popularity has little to do with ease of writing. Usually it's more, like, does it include a lot of young, pretty, preferably male characters who banter a lot? Is it mostly addressed to young people / teen as a demographic? And, is it a medium which is popular in the first place and easily accessible (liveaction tv at the top of the list)? And then some random stuff would account for Harry Potter and the like.
When I hear "stuff difficult to write", I was thinking of things with complicated setting that needs research (historical stuff for example), plots which deal with a lot of technical stuff that needs research, complicated plots in general :3 etc.
When you want there to be more and there just *isn't*!
Something that's off-beat from the norm is, by definition, off-beat and thus gonna be a bit harder than something like Harry Potter fic to capture the feel of.
When I hear "stuff difficult to write", I was thinking of things with complicated setting that needs research (historical stuff for example), plots which deal with a lot of technical stuff that needs research, complicated plots in general :3 etc.
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