May 01, 2009 20:22
I had another pretty busy week.
Monday, I got to watch an avant premiere of Star Trek and Coraline - both were pretty good. Well, Coraline was awesome, and Star Trek was okay in a shallow good fun and pretty FX way.
Tuesday, I went to Disneyland Paris to accompany my visiting cousin from Israel (another one than the one who was staying at my parents' a couple of years ago) who's in vacation at my parents' before her military service, which was pretty fun if tiring (unexpectedly I found myself buying a Nightmare Before Christmas-themed plaid. (The mind boggle cuz I'm one of the least merchandising-inclined person I know).
Wednesday I, errr, rested. Okay actually I haven't done so much this week. And realised I could no longer watch the Colbert Report and the Daily Show on streaming on their websites :((( Damn you Comedy Central. Now I have to watch them illegally, like most of the other stuff I watch.
Today, I'm waiting for my Dreamwidth invite which IS NOT COMING. Damn you Dreamwidth! You did say Open ID account would receive an invite on the 1st of May! Of course I could probably get an invite in all of 5 seconds by asking one of the many people of my flist who have them but it's the principle of the thing :p
Also I swapped by 2nd ed Exalted corebook for an Everway box - a pretty old rules lite fantasy game - cuz I've been feeling like mastering something, but not something crunchy like Exalted.
And I kinda fail at answering memes which is surely not new.
roleplaying games,
medium: movies