So, yesterday the SCC and Dollhouse subtitles (english ones, I'm a good reader/writer but I have a shitty ear, okay?) weren't up yet (though they had Italian ones, for both, I don't get it either); so I figured I might as well finally catch up on BSG. I have only one thing to say:
Okay not really:
First there were three really really painful and dull episodes, much like Sometimes a Great Notion which was also very painful and dull to watch, hence my lack of enthusiasm over watching more, and even that one episode had the cool and chilling moments of Kara meeting with her corpse (and Leoben getting Dude! WTF? Even I am creeped about it, LOL).
Maybe if I had had a pal to watch it with, and snark about it, it would have been better. Or popcorns to throw at the screens at the lamest and idiotic moments. Such as, every time Adama is on screen.
It doesn't help that I was already hating Adama's guts before these episodes. After that, If I don't get to watch him to die painfully before the end of the show, I'll be disappointed. This comes from the girl who almost never hate fictional characters.
Okay, they had a few redeeming moments, such as Gaeta generally speaking being awesome and snarkilicious, and that really awesome scenes between Baltar and him. Awwwww. Actually I'm really surprised that in a show with as much up-and-downs as BSG almost every scenes between Gaeta and Baltar through the seasons were all pitch perfect and awesome. Thank you for that at least show.
Although you really, really suck about politics. Seriously, I can't think of one moment when the show was trying to deal with srs bsns dark and deep political shits from Bastille Day on when they didn't fail painfully and full of Strawman-ship. Not to mention the the painful americanocentrism. Poor Zarek, they really never did anything interesting with such a potentially cool character.
So I was really sad over Gaeta dying, what with the fact he was my woobie in this show, but at least he got a good send-off, so now that I think about it, I think I'm madder about Dee. Because Dee basically only got killed off to get across the point that People they are depressed now! And she was killed because she had had no storyline of her own since the middle of season 2, when her storyline had turned out to be All About Lee. Yeah. Great waste of a character here. In any case, between both of those deaths, there is no more significant Characters of Colour that are not Cylon. Way to go, show!
Also we had Kara and Lee being awesome, so there was that.
Then we had three hilarious and awesome episodes, or at least kinda good looking. You know I thought that Ellen as First Cylon was really an anticlimax as a revelation at first, but I take it all back. She's AWESOME. She brought back all her soap opera and comedy gold ways to the show, and I'd been missing that. Also she was great with Cavil.
Roslin also did some great try to get back in my good grace with that hilarious AWKWARD conversation with Caprica, and her "OH NOES, NOT ELLEN" expression. But it's not working, she's been too WTFed for too long, but I'll settle for not actually disliking her actively.
Tyrol was particularly cuddly and and nice in those episodes (and the ones before, actually, even if I was rooting for Kelly to shoot him because I get annoyed at how the main cast never get killed yet supposedly the show is daring and dark for always killing lots of characters, yeaaaaah, not so much.) But I still think he's an asshole for giving up on his kid just because he's not his genetically speaking. If you spent two years changing his diaper, it's yours, Chief.
I missed Boomer too, and was glad to see her back, playing everyone, and I was disturbingly rooting for her when she beat the crap out of Athena, kidnapping Hear, and having disturbingly hot sex with Helo.
Anders was really cute when he was blabbering.
Oh, and we also got Baltar in high form (bigger gun!) :D
What's left? Really liked the atmosphere in Someone to Watch Over Me, with the piano - which I called pretty early as Kara's hallucination/head person/flashback. I think Kara's dad looks rather disturbingly like Leoben in a way. Anyway, I'm glad we finally got an answer about her (OR DO WE?) and really surprised the speculations about her being half cylon turned out true - I thought that one was really a long shot.
Okay, so in conclusion? The storytelling and bigger narrative is SHOT TO HELL. I have absolutely no faith left in this show to turn out right in terms of the story, not even on a metaphorical level where all the plotholes and lack of consistency don't count so much. If I want a deep show dealing with themes like genocide and terrorism and complex moralities, I'll just watch Avatar again - oh wait, I'm doing that already. However, the show still manages at times to reach stellar levels in terms of mood, acting, music, visuals, cinematography and emotional moments. The thing is, it's all in fragments, no broader narrative worth mentioning even at the scale of episodes. Oh, and there's the comedy gold. They should market it more as a comedy show, because that's on of the thing they do good (unlike, you know, dark themes and complex morality and politics LOL). They used to be good about the military SF action stuff too, maybe they'll get back to it before the end.
Also it's got a great fanvid fandom!