Top five films seen in the last twelve months for
novin_ha1/ No Country for Old Men
2/ LA Confidential (I finally watched it a few days ago. Just as good as I had been led to believe)
3/ Zodiac
4/ Children of Men
5/ Life of Others
Top five fictional characters you would like to send into intensive therapy for
sophiap1/ Subaru. Then again, he's not so amusing when he's not broken...
2/ Gerald Tarrant - he really needs to deal with his issues with women, and with his family
3/ Akito. I don't need to comment, do I?
4/ Anthy, also it would be amusing
5/ Tyrion, Daddy issues to be dealt with.
Top five fight scenes in movies/television for
shelled_avenger1/ Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - Bamboo fight scene, with the restaurant one as a runner up
2/ Avatar, The Blue Spirit + Aang vs Archers in The Blue Spirit
3/ Once Upon a Time in China, Bamboo fight scene (i think it's in the second one)
4/ Avatar, Jet vs Zuko in Ba Sing Sai
5/ PotW: World's End final fight scene
... Basically I love Kung Fu ^_^, swashbuckling comes slightly after it
Top five fictional villains for
sakanagi1/ Littlefinger (ASOIAF) he's just so clever, he's a such a bastard yet I can't help but loving him
2/ Desty Nova (Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita) cuz he's my favourite mad scientist ever
3/ the Mayor (BtVS) My favourite Buffy villain (and Buffy had plenty of very cool villains), I just love his cheerful, all-American style
4/ Drusilla (BtVS) Crazy, sadistic, weirdly innocent and generally awesome
5/ Cutler Beckett (PotC) I seriously adore this little guy. Smart, cool, ruthless, ambitious and adequatly fearsome while being nicely understated
Top five ASoIaF characters you'd invite to a dinner party for
redcandle171/ Oberyn, he obviously knows how to party
2/ Sansa, she'd be polite and cool and compliment people and look pretty
3/ Tyrion, he'd be witty and fun, and if it was my birthday he'd buy me a rare book which is awesome, and in case someone gets murdered we can always blame him
4/ Jaime, also witty and also looking pretty
5/ Tom O'Seven, for the music. Bonus point if he insults everyone and it ends up in one big brawl