So I watched OotP yesterday evening. Yeah, finally. I know, this is so last week's news and everyone'd rather talk about leaked book rather, but I don't care (also, I love my flist, everyone's talking of spoilers but nobody spoiled me yet and I'm not even being extra careful! That's how awesome my flist is!)
What I liked
Umbridge was the big highlight of the movie, a she should be. A great mild-mannered glorious pink vision of EVIL. Simply awesome. And the cats ♥ ♥ ♥ Best HP villains on screen yet. And IMO best adaptation of a book character to screen right there with Rita Skeeter and Gilderoy Lockhart.
The whole Umbridge part of the plot was rather well done. Mostly well timed. Loved the little interviews although they could have done deeper Checkpoint style into them, and do Minerva too because her interview was the best. The visual of all the new regulations and Filch going around was great.
The DA army was very well done, Harry as a teacher was great. That part worked very well.
Bellatrix was a delight to see, from the tatoo-licking to the "I killed Sirius Black" singsonging through the mad laughter of madness. She can totally give MAD GARY OLDMAN a run for his money. I used to be very doubtful about Helena Bonham Carter and I take it all back, she's perfect. I still don't like the hair, though. The hair's really ridiculous. At least now we know what they did with the Hermione hair. They gave it to Bellatrix!
Luna was awesome as well. Again, I was doubtful, and I was won over. Great performance, especially coming from a kid.
Loved the House of Black, mostly it looks jsut like what I imagined (except for the Tapestry, but it wasn't bad either). Loved the Keacher too ^^ I totally want screecaps of everything we saw of the Tapestry because I could swear there were some new names...
What was hot
Belllatrix! Looking all ma and disheveled and gothic punk! ♥
I was doubtful about Ralphemort in GoF but now I've seen the light. Mostly that's because he looks hot in a suit. Voldemort should dress in a suit at all time.
Talking of suits, Percy was gorgeous as well. Not speaking but looking porperly Minitry-bootlicking ♥ I love the Percy.
Was that the Lestranges brothers holding up Hermione and Ron in the Death Chambers? 'Cause they were hot! damnit. I want to see more Bellatrix/Lestranges bro threesomes from now on!
Tonks looked very cute and Tonkish, apart from the too-long hair. I liked that they did include a little bit of her liking Ginny even if it was just a snapshot.
I don't remember Dawlish from the book, but the man was hot. Well, in a frumpy, eye-caved way, but still hot.
Naked!Gary Oldman under mink fur. Rather WTF but still hot. Oldman's still not Sirius though.
Jason Isaac's Lucius ♥
Phineas ♥
Petunia's short dress ^_^
What I didn't like
Most of the fighting at the Department of Ministry felt way off to me. All pyrotechnics and no actual sense of tension and struggle. The poofing around into smoke felt way distracting to me. We couldn't relate to that mean of fighting, it felt too handwavy.
The possession of Harry by Voldemort wasn't entirely bad. There were some ideas and the actual merit of making things clearerer than the book, however they were way too hammered. Also Harry totally lacked credibility as far as feeling sorry for Tom, he obviously didn't.
Way too little Snape. Between the glossing over of the best Snape part in GoF and this one, I feel like we're losing too much of the Snape subplots which are quite important to the overall story. What they did with the Snape's Worst Memory was pathetic. They totally missed making us sorry for Snape, they missed on Harry being a jerk and then wondering about his father, and they missed on Lily being a saint. Okay maybe the latter isn't so bad, but it was supposed to be an important point to the thematics, no? Oh, and of course Snape stopping the Occlumency lessons is just WTF now.
Sirius was totally not restless and totally not going mad and drunk in the house all by himself and that was sad. He just was too... nice, and composed. WTF Sirius? Calling Harry James felt off to me as well. It's an accusation Molly threw at him but it never felt to me that Sirius did the confusion despite it all.
And they actually managed to make Sirius' death even lamer and more anticlimatic on screen than it already was on paper. I mean, kudos for that. Poor Sirius, never going to have a cool death, even in cinematics. I liked it better when he was killed by draperie, at least it was original.
Can I rant a bit about Kingsley's african costume of africaness and african accent of africaness? I guess it wasn't as bad as it felt, mostly it's just that I have this extremely precise picture of Kingsley in my mind (*cough* Eugene from the Practice) and he's a Ravenclaw and very cool, level headed guy with lots of sense of humour, and the whole costume felt over the top. Cool role still (Dumbledore's got style! heehee)
Cho replacing Marietta made little sense mosty because it makes Harry looks like a jerk.
I thought the Weasley twins final mayhem and havok was lacking. It didn't look bad on screen, but again, all style no substance. It didn't feel like they were genuinely harming Umbridge's rule, and it was supposed to be their hour of glory (and main reason I actually like the vicious little psychopaths).
Harry telling the Cho kiss was wet didn't make sense given that we didn't see her crying at all in the scene >_>;;
There were a lot of bad timing overall that wasted what could have been good punchlines. Choppy editing I guess.
What I missed
No Sirius and Snape yelling at each others ;_;
I'm sad we didn't see more of Zacharias being sarcastic, because Zacharias rocks. Woe.
No Lucius and Bellatrix bickering. They should be bickering. They're in laws!
Too little Black family background. Yeah, I know, I'd never consider it enough. Still, not even the tiny Regulus mention.
Not having the scene at St Mungos, especially the lack of Longbottoms. The big reveal by Neville to Harry wasn't as emotionnal because Neville's got no reason to tell Harry.
No Amelia Bones. No Mundungus Fletcher :(
Too little CAPSLOCK Harry. Not wrecking Dumbledore's offfice.
Voldemort stealing Bellatrix's line of Crucio gauding. These were the best Bella lines!
I can live without the Quidditch subplot, but I feel bad for Ron's hour of glory being gone.
Not enough showing of how ruthless Hermione is. I could have lived with seeing more of Rita Skeeter for one ♥
And I'm finally excited about getting HP7 in two fucking days! No, I wasn't before. Weird, huh? And very much looking forward the Wankpocalypse!