This Saturday the Strand is doing a literary festival, and they're giving away champagne and cake. If there is a heaven, I think this may be as close an approximation as can be attained on this plane of existance.
And curiously,
dominonermandi posts some book memey goodness. And I even hate memes on principle, usually.
These are the top 106 books most often marked as "unread" byLibraryThing's users. Bold what you have read, italicize what you started but couldn't finish, and strike through what you couldn't stand.
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Anna Karenina
Crime and punishment
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Wuthering Heights
The Silmarillion <--I couldn't even make it through LotR after seeing the movies, I'm not gonna bother.
Life of Pi: a novel
The Name of the Rose
Don Quixote
Moby Dick
Madame Bovary
The Odyssey
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
A Tale of Two Cities
The Brothers Karamazov
Guns, Germs, and Steel: the fates of human societies
War and Peace
Vanity Fair
The Time Traveler's Wife
The Iliad
The Blind Assassin
The Kite Runner
Mrs. Dalloway
Great Expectations
American Gods (Neil Gaiman is love god.)
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Brilliant.
Atlas Shrugged
Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books
Memoirs of a Geisha
Wicked : the life and times of the wicked witch of the West
The Canterbury Tales
The Historian : a novel
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Love in the Time of Cholera
Brave New World
The Fountainhead
Foucault's Pendulum
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Clockwork Orange
Anansi Boys (Not quite American Gods, but still very good)
The Once and Future king
The Grapes of Wrath
The Poisonwood Bible : a novel
Angels & Demons (Yuck. After Da Vinci Code, why bother?)
The Inferno
The Satanic Verses
Sense and Sensibility
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Mansfield Park
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
To the Lighthouse
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Oliver Twist
Gulliver's Travels
Les Misérables
The Corrections
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
The Prince
The Sound and the Fury
Angela's Ashes : a memoir
The God of Small Things
A People's History of the United States : 1492-present
Neverwhere (See above comment RE: Neil Gaiman)
A Confederacy of Dunces
A Short History of Nearly Everything
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Beloved <-- I really should try this one again, as I couldn't put Song of Solomon down
The Scarlet Letter
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
The Mists of Avalon (Several times, and one of the sequels.)
Oryx and Crake : a novel
Collapse : how societies choose to fail or succeed
Cloud Atlas
The Confusion
Northanger Abbey
The Catcher in the Rye
On the Road
The Hunchback of Notre Dame This book inspired me to learn French properly. Still haven't tackled it in the original though. It was tough in English, but then again I was in the 8th grade...
Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : an inquiry into values
The Aeneid
Watership Down
Gravity's Rainbow
The Hobbit (UGH. BLEAGH. Yet bizarrely I'm addicted to the movies.)
In Cold Blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences
White Teeth
Treasure Island (umm...I think so? As a kid?)
David Copperfield
The Three Musketeers (In French.)
So yes, long time no see, blogland. Have found an apartment in East Harlem, have FINALLY started to get the hang of my new job (which also included champagne in its second week. I loooove working for Europeans), and generally have been so seduced by the myriad joys of living in New York that I've been lured away from the computer and the blogosphere. Or else I'm so sick of looking at a comp screen after a full work day of staring at them that I don't touch my PC for days on end.
Until next time, dear reader, and good night.