Mar 29, 2005 22:55
Im horribly sorry that you, of all people, had to take time out of your day to think that i cared if some cracked-out old lady who lookes worse than a herpe-infested ass told me that Im ugly.
Please excuse me while i try to hold back my puke behind my laughter as i look at your horrible face. I know im not ugly, that's all i need!
If you and your skeleton friend think that melted flesh is beautiful, by all means, be skin and bones, but i dont give a shit.
It's ok, you can sit here and try to boost your ego's by crackin on people via-internet all you want. I'll walk away knowing Im bigger than this bullshit site and I have a life and i have a girlfriend who loves me, that's all i need.
Oh yea, I almost forgot to say that I don't torture myself by lack of food..I LOVE FOOD. Shit i'll be a big fat buddha momma and I'll be fuckin happier than your sorry toad-ass.
Im also sorry that you fail to see that "Not to be" is actually from someone that anyone with half a brain would know about, Shakespeare. I care much more about him and the actual beauty of life than the beauty of clothes. Your fashion opinions mean less than shit to me. Your lack of food has obviously affected your brain, or lack thereof.
Heh, i love bashing people. Mainly cuz i never get to let my anger out on someone, so when i do it's like..FUCK YOU
love, NessA