Dec 05, 2004 22:43
yup yup, tonight i hung out with the ever cool Justin. I didnt get to do what he came over for me to do but it was fun nontheless. I was prescribed oxycodone for my ankle so i was on those. i waited for a good portion of the night for my angel and she was like 45 minutes late so i worried. But it's all good now. After she came, we went to laura's and just hung out and did stuff and said Lots of fun pictures we took..i cant post them cuz they are on her camera (which means she wont post them till like a month from now). I got some ideas of how i want to decorate "my side" of Jenn's truck. I gave her the picture that i took of the lake and edited it to say "Look in the mirror in spite of your eye" and signed the back for her. I hope she liked it. I also gave her a keyboard so that she can actually go online. (My hatred for my stepdad just grew. He took 4 of my pills w/o asking me, he's such an asshole) I have no more to say to you
"I shall fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of ingle berries" (or something like that) NessA