Echoes in a Lonely World, Horrible/Hammer, R

Jan 16, 2009 03:35

Title: Echoes in a Lonely World
Rating: R
Pairing: Horrible/Hammer
Length: 8696 words
Summary: Dr. Horrible carries his device (it doesn’t have a name yet, but he’s been mentally referring to it as "That Empathy Thing") with him on heists for a week and a half before Captain Hammer finally shows up. Not nearly as serious as the title ( Read more... )

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Comments 44

threerings January 16 2009, 12:47:21 UTC
Ooo, very nicely done. The empathy goo is a great plot device. I really love Dr. Horrible's conclusion to fight the ELE and then the Justice league. I would love to see where this goes from here.


etothepii January 16 2009, 22:38:15 UTC
Oh, man, one of my dream fics, y'know, the fic I'd love to read? Is totally "DOCTOR HORRIBLE TAKES OVER THE WORLD. ...But first he defeats the Evil League of Evil, because he's AWESOME, and then he seduces CAPTAIN HAMMER. Also because he's AWESOME."

Glad you liked the fic. :D


Wonderful-onium! idioticonion January 16 2009, 16:28:08 UTC
Wow. This was a really, really impressive piece. It has EVERYTHING! Lovely characterisation of Billy, yet really contrasting that with his "Horrible" persona. Brilliantly sympathetic Captain Hammer. Hot slashy goodness. And don't think I didn't notice all the wonderful nods to the Dr Horrible DVD extras/easter eggs!

The most brilliant thing was how you had Horrible decide he was going to overthrow the ELE! He's not a hero, or a villian, but he sets his own rules. He's a super-anarchist! And I loved that.

*round of applause*



Re: Wonderful-onium! etothepii January 16 2009, 22:43:31 UTC
The DVD's extras are totally part of what inspired me to start writing Dr. Horrible fic in the first place. There's a ton of good information there.

And while I love Billy to bits, he is a terrible super villain, in the sense that he's not actually evil. He's a criminal, definitely, and he thinks he's evil because he's breaking the law, sure. But that doesn't put him on par with, say, The Joker. He's more like Lex Luthor, but ethical and not nearly as successful.

GLAD YOU LIKED. Wheeeee. :3


Re: Wonderful-onium! lil_miss_maddie January 27 2009, 21:14:09 UTC
What a fantastic description!

"He's more like Lex Luthor, but ethical and not nearly as successful."



flwrpwr_vampyre January 16 2009, 17:18:32 UTC
This was fantastic! I love the empathy goo and I think the ending you have is absolutely perfect.


etothepii January 16 2009, 22:48:57 UTC
I am SO GLAD you liked the ending. I had ~my doubts~ because it doesn't relate to the bulk of the plot, which was them being tied together, but I really wanted to change Billy and Hammer's relationship, and I then segued into a completely random "THIS IS WHAT DRIVES BILLY" bit that even convinced Hammer to ~reevaluate~ how he feels about ~society~.




kitty_poker1 January 16 2009, 18:16:20 UTC
This is really, really excellent. The characterisations, particularly of Billy, are spot on, the story is clever and original, the dialogue is highly amusing but with a thoughtful slant, and the writing is first class. Stellar work.


etothepii January 16 2009, 22:50:49 UTC
*roll* Yay! :3 Glad you enjoyed reading it.


snowpuppies January 16 2009, 18:39:03 UTC
This is Fantastic.

Love it, top to bottom. You've got Billy down to an absolute Tee, and I loved his scientific thoughts, especially the positive feedback loop during sex - it thrilled my little scientific heart!

I have a recs section on the welcome post of my journal for new visitors and I feature one guest author every so often - I'd love to feature this story there, if it's alright with you?

Also, this is totally going up under Future Fic @ horrible_awards. ;)


etothepii January 16 2009, 22:57:09 UTC
Glaaaaaad you liked it.

Billy is a nerd, at heart. This is because his SUPER AWESOME OUTFIT OF COOL EVILNESS? Looks like something you'd wear during chem labs, if your school gave enough of a damn about you to provide you with gear.

The Billy in my mind has a PhD in Horribleness, maybe, but only well after he got his PhD in Chemistry, because you don't use Wonderflonium until you know how to do so. :)

Also, sure to reccing my story and putting it on h_a and stuff. :D Attention? I ~love~ attention. Hee.


andreth47 January 18 2009, 00:31:37 UTC
I second that nomination!


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