Ganked from... ugh someone on my friendslist who was cool (i love you babe <33333 HAH. JUST LOOKED IT UP.
oneiriad, you are rad and find cool memes) but I looked at the meme and thought it was really cool but was like "maybe it'd be really narcissistic of me to do it" so i skipped over the post.
and then i decided i didn't care if it was narcissistic or not because it sounded really fun because seriously the inside of my head can be a lot of fun sometimes, so:
Give me an AU prompt in the comments and I will plot out for you the fic it evokes in my mind. But I won't flavortext or spelling or grammar it, so reader beware~
(i reserve the right to censor or outright refuse to post details for anything I'm currently working on, of course, because that shit gets hella rearranged in the writing of, and i don't wanna mess up the story inside my head by exposing it to the light too early)