Jul 14, 2005 17:14
Hey guys, how's everyone doing? I rather not comment on how i'm doing.. but the day was pretty okay I guess. Again woke up in the morning to go help out at registration. I finally got to see Franky today, after him being gone for like 5 days, it was cool, had a lot of, um, well, let's just say interesting things that he learned at that leadership camp or whatever. Also, I got to see the Commi Cap. Pretty cool cap. He also showed off his AE belt, and his AE wrist band. What a freaking show off. Like every other registration morning we ate doughnuts. I ate a chocolate one today with some water. I've got to balance the doughnut out somehow LOL. At first everything was running as smooth as can be. Kids were seeing their conselors as thy got there but then it started to back up, and eventually we had all the chairs taken up until like 3 today! What was taking forever was the damn ESL testing. Lucky for people who are doing registration next year, they no longer are going to offer ESL next year, that's what Mrs. Luna told me. I visited Brenda and all the other CosmoNauts for a little bit. Then me, Amber, Nikkhole, and Bianca went to get some food from the disgusting China Wok Express.... disgusting.. Well we left like at 11:10, first to put gas. I can't believe that Amber knows how to drive but she doesn't know how to put freaking gas! So we stopped at the Diamond Shamrock and I put gas in her car, she was all scared, it was hilarious. We went to the stupid China Wok, then it was stupid because stupid Nikkhole couldn't get out of the damn car because her door was child locked or whatever, so we had to open the door for her. We should have left her in there, J/K LMAO. We get our food and then go back to school to eat it. I also get a Chick-Fil-A sandwhich because I knew I wasn't going to get filled up with what I wasn't going to eat from there. Also, at the China Wok, I didn't know that chinese had freaking onion rings, which were good regardless. I don't know what the hell people were doing in Mr. Carrillos' room. I know that when he comes back he's going to be fucking pissed.. Well i'm glad that I wasn't doing anything wrong. I again was Mr. Translator because some people just can't speak spanish, or don't want to, *cough*Alex*cough*. It finally was time for this damn day to end. There was two sets of parents still waiting there for ESL testing like at 3:45, so they finally got tested. I feel really bad for them, it took freaking forever. I did get my 1984 book from Bianca. I need to start reading it. Well we went to the Gas Station on the corner of Joe Battle and Rojas, then I got to drive home. I like learning how to drive, except my dad still gets a little panic-y when I drive, usually involves the phrase, "BREAK, EDDIE! BREAK!" LOL, I promise, I'm not that bad. Well I get home, change, and here I am. I guess that's it. Adios.