Jun 18, 2006 02:20
Going backpacking tomorrow with my parents. Will go to sleep shortly.
We're going up in southern vermont for about 3 days. The plan is for this to be a lighter trip, we're experimenting with alot of new gear. I'm trying normal shoes, dad has a new pack, my parents are using a new tent, my brother hasn't been out in years, and this will be the first time my parents have gone out in new england under 30 lbs each. It should be fun and interesting.
My dad is a total gearhead by the way. We've been comparing notes on pack weights etc. He's got crazy spreadsheets and stuff (just like me). I LOVE his new ULA pack, it's absolutly amazing. 42 ounces for 4200 cu, and it's so comfy. I'm thinking of getting one size down from that (3500 cu).
I miss you Lizza. I keep bringing you up when talking to my parents. Largely because all of my backpacking experience not with my parents, is with you, but many other reasons as well.
Life is good. I have health insurence again. I got to play my acoustic that's up here, it was lonely and needed to be played a little bit. It's so crazy playing on extra-light strings after playing mostly on lights, and a twelve string. It feels like I'm playing electric or something, it's great. oh, and i love the sustain of this guitar. I was just watching a thing on how to make an acoustic guitar body... compound curves are hard.
I'm not up here long enough to see much of anybody though... sorry peoples. I had sort of planned to be here longer, but mom was worried that I wouldn't be working on the whole getting some research done before grad school apps thing. Actually, I'd also planned to learn to drive while I was here as well.
I met with a CS prof from UT Austin. He knows ALOT about how to get into graduate school, I actually learned quite a bit about the process. Who I should get recomendation's from etc. He works on processor stuff, specifically sort of distributed networks of processors on one die, it's related to the clockless designs in that allows for more of a clockless processor, but async isn't the primary goal. After talking about the whole graduate school thing we just wanked for a while. It was funny because my dad was there, and his dad (a famous geologist at Smith) was there, and neither one really knew what we were talking about for most of the conversation. Anyway, he's a nice guy and offered to hook me up with some profs at UT Austin and UMASS who do PL research.
Repeat yet again... does the 8'th work for people who want to do a weekend backpacking trip?