
Mar 28, 2008 09:38

From my first instructor last sememster (only now telling me about the exam redo it took him over 2 months to get back to me):
Erin: You did better on problem 3, but still showed some misunderstanding of how to set up a binding problem with the grand canonical PF. You had more trouble in the Problem 2 redo. Here you made the problem way too difficult and missed some things that made it easier and that one should know as a result of the course. I wonder if it might be better to repeat the course and give yourself a better chance to master the material? Your call.

Where do I start? The first attempt was given to me two months after the course had ended and then a week before Christmas he said he wanted it before I left for break. I told him that was not going to happen and proceeded to work on it my entire Christmas break. I got it back to him when he came back from a month long trip to New Zealand (during all of January) so he wouldn't lose it. Only now am I getting it back.
Now for my issues with the class:
I didn't actually learn anything from him but instead only from my peers. I helped my group with our group homework problems and retook the quizes to his satisfaction. I was there in class everyday, learning (or attempting to learn from his very poor teaching style), and he even told me what an improvement I had made over the course of the semester (the only compliment I have ever heard him say to anyone). So I basically passed everything but the last two exams but I should have enough points to pass the class. I was incredibly depressed and went home crying most days but stuck through it. Now when people ask me how I am doing my response is, "better than last semester, although I don't know if it could get any worse."
So in summation I will quit school before I have to retake that course. This is the only wise course of action if I am forced to make that decision. I don't think Barry will make me do that but I don't think retaking the course will help me learn anything I missed.
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