Jan 10, 2006 09:39
Nothing really more to update about. Work is boring. There's never anything going on, and I'm suppose to be in my last week of training before I move off into the South Asheville store, but yeah, it's hard to train when there is NOTHING to do. Although, I'm quite entertained with Shannon's stupidness.
Incase you forgot, Shannon worked with me at Villa Roma, and Jerry and I used to make fun of her spelling. Like spinach is actually spelt spaish to her, and sausage is sasag. The other day, Donnie (bossman), Shannon and I were working, and Shannon takes off her shoes. She says "My feel really smell!". Donnie said "Why don't you shower?" Shannon answered by "Well, last night I went to a hotel party, and I went swimming in the swimming pool." Donnie and I were both like okay.... She continues with, "Since I went swimming, I don't need to shower, because it's basically the same thing." Me: "Are you serious" Shannon: "Yeah, why?" Me: "Swimming in the pool is NOTHING like showering. Shannon, people pee in swimming pools" Shannon: "No they don't" Donnie: "Yeah they do." And then she argued with us for like 20 minutes that swimming and showering is still the same thing. She was dead serious too, at this time, it was incredibly hard to hold in the laughter. Then I get a text message from Donnie, telling me that she is the stupidest person he's ever seen. So we keep going back and forth text messaging each other making fun of her. I asked him why he hired her, and he told me that it was the biggest mistake ever. It was really funny.
Yesterday Kristen and Ellie came in and Kristen got the Razr phone. Yay! It's cool, I like how shiny the keypad is. Woo Whoo. Anyways, after the Razr phone thing, I happened to get off work, and we all went to Taco Bell. Donnie kept texting me telling me he couldn't stand to be with Shannon alone, so he asked if he could come to Walmart with us, because he needed to get things for the store anyways. So he came with us. It was fun. I got to pick out the key I wanted for the store, and he made me store keys! Yay!!! I won't get my South Asheville Store Key until he gets it on Sunday, which is cool. But I have a pretty Mall store key. Woo.
Kristen and Ellie leave today to go back to school, and that makes me sad.
I have to get back in my work out cycle. I will. Tonight! I've lost 7 pounds in less then a week. Which is awesome. And I didn't even work out for that week, so hopefully if I start working out, maybe I'll lose like double that or something, and that would make me extremely happy.
Brian Graham was here last week. It was fun I guess. Nothing exciting really happened. Hung out with Ellie and Kristen a lot last week too! That was a lot of fun. I'm going to miss them going to school. Eh. Oh well, at least they have internet and I can talk to them through that. Speaking of that, in an e-mail I got from Karen, she told me she's going to name her next son Chase. I thought that was a really good idea. And because I'm not going to fully copy her, but I still wanna do that, I'm going to name my son Dameon Jeffery and whatever the last name is. Taking Chase's middle name. But yes, I'm definitally doing it.
Oh, according to the history Channel, the world is suppose to end on December 21, 2012. Just thought I would let you know... haha.
Well, I am going to go and get ready for work.