May 09, 2009 00:37
I'd like to get back into writing fan fic again, as it's been awhile. What I'd like from you, my lovely f-list, is prompts. Lots and lots of prompts. There is no guarantee that I'll do them all or do any of them well, but....
As many as you like, any genre, any pairing, any rating. This will hopefully be an on-going thing.
Fandoms I (think I) know pretty well:
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Legend of Dragoon
Babysitters Club
Ones that I'd like to try, but haven't written for at all, or have written very very little for:
The Dark Tower series and related 'verses (ie Hearts in Atlantis)
Harry Potter
Blue Dragon (game, not anime)
Final Fantasy X
Sweet Valley High/University
Batman (Burton-Verse or Nolan-Verse, anything that may have came in between those two do not exist to me)
Full Metal Alchemist (anime, not manga)
request to the f-list,
fan fiction,
random burst of creativity