New FanFic

Oct 22, 2010 22:04

Fandom: Fire Emblem 8
Title: Winged Beasts of Beauty: Part I - The Pegasi
Author: etoilecp
Pairing: Cormag X Tana
Disclaimer: I don't own Fire Emblem. Obviously.
Warnings: Most are G - T (12,14,15)
Based off of Livejournals 50 sentence innuendos, some violence and mistreatment to commas and other grammatical methods.
Excerpt: She always feared death and marveled at how composed Cormag was at the notion, and as much as she hated to admit, it appeared to her that he died once before.

Author Note: Pairings got an ending but very rarely do I see anyone write about them, which is sad because they're my OTP. I don't know why I always go for the less popular ones, jeez me and my brain. XD This is a two-parter 50 sentence Cormag/Tana prose, the first part acknowledged through the loveable Tana and the second part through the composed Cormag.

Notes On The Sentences:All of these sentences are not centered into a specific timeline, so don't be surprised to read a sentence that's obviously in the future and find the next one to be on the same timeline as the game itself. All of the sentences are not connected with each other. Only a couple of them are connected (e.g. #7 and #8).

1. Comfort
She had come to take comfort in him though he never looked to anyone like a person who could; he was always ominous but she knew better.

2. Kiss
The first time they kissed she noticed that it was hesitant and maybe even abrupt, however upon contemplating, she figured it must have been a long time since he had such feminine contact, and over passing years Tana was welcomed by the starling fact that he was an expert kisser, to the point and always satisfying.

3. Soft
The Frelian princess loved to gaze at him and look deep into his dark calm eyes, they'd always have a soft touch whenever he'd looked her way, and it made her feel special.

4. Pain
Sometimes she wondered whether she truly knew him or not, for she had come to understand that she was a little girl when she first met him; naïve and dim, and she could not understand why he vanished so suddenly and when thinking about it, her pain only intensified at her stupidity.

5. Potatoes
At times she would remember when he told her of his home, where he used to plant many things including potatoes; Tana would stifle a giggle as she never liked potatoes but announced that she might start trying.

6. Rain
She loved the rain, it was so much like him; pouring over her in abundance just like the thoughts of him on her mind.

7. Chocolate
Cherry chocolates were her favorite, she had kept it a secret for most of her life, and somehow she wasn't surprised at the fact that he figured it out; she was surprised at the fact that he'd agree to give her some as long as they were away from the prying eyes of the advisors and that it wasn't on a specific date like St. Valentines Day.

8. Happiness

Tana couldn't understand the reason for not having a specific date but she could care less, it brought her great happiness whenever he made those small insignificant details; it meant he was contented around her.

9. Telephone
When he was gone missing, communication about his whereabouts were limited and scarce and so she left Frelia in search of another form of hope other than her first love.

10. Ears
She could barely stop a grin from reaching to her ears when she heard Innes crossly admit that Cormag would make a better match for her stupid antics than himself, so even the Gradonian had won him over in the end, Cormag 1; Innes 0.

11. Name
As soon as she asked him what his name meant, she saw his eyes droop in parchedness as he muttered that his name seemed to fit his fate, Son of Defilement; Tana wondered why someone would give their son such a unpleasant name, and she wished that she never asked in the first place.

12. Sensual
To the cerulean-eyed princess, there was always something sensual about his lingering movements and she selfishly lavished in seeing him shirtless, beads of sweat trickling down his tanned, muscular chest whilst his earthly scent surrounded hers; and her inner thoughts couldn't help to admit that being in love with a man a lot older than you had it's exciting variations of perks.

13. Death
She always feared death and marveled at how composed Cormag was at the notion, and as much as she hated to admit, it appeared to her that he died once before.

14. Sex
A scarlet blush rushed across her face as she timidly asked him to make love to her, she wasn't concerned about the proper marriage laws at the moment; she wanted him to be her first.

15. Touch
It didn't take long for Tana to notice that he liked his sex rough, he'd occasionally ask her if she was okay with his calm yet fierce touches and bashfully she could see that he was holding back.

16. Weakness
They've always seen her with more weaknesses than strengths and as a whole they considered her a disadvantage, but he didn't judge her that way; always saying there were more ways than one for each individual to improve; he valued her and strengthened her.

17. Tears
She cried tears of joy when she saw him overcome that snake-like man Valter in the harsh reaches on the sun; rushing off of Achaeus, the princess frantically ran and embraced Cormag and finally came to understand the fear of losing someone precious; perhaps it was then she started to realize her feelings for him.

18. Speed
The speed of a dragon knight in the air is amazingly swift and is something to be revered but for Tana, the man and his dragon were simply her flying companions in a simple exchange of dues.

19. Wind
The feeling of wind in her long, blue hair was enough to remind her of the times she had with the handsome Gradonian flying in the sky without a single care in the world.

20. Freedom
To the both of them flying was the only true means of escaping the world after the war, royal affairs were always messy and being a mentor for solider apprentices was more effort than noted; ironic how the sky that seemed limited once before, felt endless once certain peace had settled.

21. Life
Life was a simple topic at times but yet it also had a way of mystifying its subjects; Tana learnt that the minute she found out she was pregnant with his child; her husband contemplated that topic for days on end.

22. Jealousy
Having someone jealous of you was one thing but being jealous of someone else was another, she was always uneasy whenever Natasha came around and even though she was convinced that the blonde was smitten by the Jehannian prince, she couldn't help but do a double take.

23. Hands
His hands were as firm and strong as his sense of justice, yet it amazed her that his hands were almost always inhumanly cold, nonetheless she relished in that fact that he still possessed "farmer hands".

24. Taste
The taste of his lips never fails to make her want more; however he'd never give her the satisfaction until she practically pleaded for it.

25. Devotion
His devotion to his brother first and foremost was what she without a doubt loved about him, but upon coming with her to Frelia and admitting that he swore his loyalty to her and not to her birthplace made her heart wish her status didn't matter to him.

26. Forever
But it dawned to her that he'd forever call her princess throughout their years and his statement of loyalty never bothered her since; ironic how the man insisted on being called without honorifics yet still persevered on calling her so.

27. Blood
She learnt from him greatly and the one thing that she remembered the most was that, in order to strive for a better world blood had to be sacrificed, her wishes to be considered more of an adult was somehow becoming a reality.

28. Sickness
It was rare of Tana to ever get sick and as if fate was trying to play some crooked game with her, she became abnormally sick during the companies travel to Rausten; once again she was looked as an inconvenience and adolescent but he judged otherwise and her feelings she had during his fight against Valter returned like waves chasing against the beach; she didn't know what to do.

29. Melody
She always loved listening to the melody of Gradonian singers, so effortless yet you could feel the emotion straight through your veins; when she was lucky enough she could hear Cormag utter a ruffled tune from one of the old traditional songs.

30. Star
Ever since she was little, she loved to see stars in the child-like sheets of sky; wondering if somewhere out there, there was another like her with immature wishful thoughts of finding their true soulmate.

31. Home
Indeed Frelia was her birthplace but somewhere along the line she started to wonder if it was truthfully her home, upon returning after the war she felt empty; foolishly she expected a drastic change in her live, but she was wrong, it was worse than she anticipated and her longing for Grado to be rebuilt grew harsher than before.

32. Confusion
Confusion played across her mind when she caught a glimpse of Cormag helping to rebuild the castle of Grado, he didn't even give her a second glance; and she decided maybe her emotions just weren't right, they were never to be like the Renais princess and her knight; He was considered a traitor by his people and she was considered an unfortunate cause by hers.

33. Fear
She feared that maybe time had won against the two of them and she cursed herself for lack of skill of ever figuring him out.

34. Lightning/Thunder
Lighting and thunder never wavered her in the quest of finding that certain man, in fact it gave her valor and encouraged her to prove to her fellow family members that once you put your mind to it, there's always a solution.

35. Bonds
Her bond with Cormag was one that she didn't expect anyone to understand, even her best friend, Eirika could not comprehend the reason for her affections; it was one of trust and contentment in each others stipulations in life, it was of understanding and maturity; it was of hard-earned knowledge, something that Tana took pride in her old age.

36. Market
Tana had always wanted to go the market but being of royal blood, she was never allowed to; when she asked of his opinion; her husband would express amusement but would be silent throughout her inquires, finally she had forcefully demanded for his honest judgment; apparently from what she heard Grado's markets were much more interesting than Frelia's strict and organized marketplace; and she heard no biasness in his voice.

37. Technology
The technology of Frelia was no match for Cormag's eerie disappearance and even when she spoke to General Seth he couldn't come up with a satisfactory lead.

38. Gift
Her first gift she ever received from Cormag upon his reappearance, was a wooden carved pegasi and upon further speculation the words 'It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves' was written beautifully across it's abdomen; perhaps by finding him, she had conquered a hesitation she always held somewhere in the crevice of her heart.

39. Smile
She knew that his smile was one that was never publicized unless there was a first-rate reason behind it; it was brusque and silent but what was satisfying was that she was the reason behind it.

40. Innocence
He once mentioned that their son had inherited her candid innocence and her excitable eyes; she didn't know whether to be happy or worried; but upon watching him looking at Frelia's not so bright starry sky, her uneasiness was no more.

41. Completion
The completion of Grado was one of the things that she wished on her soulfully boring 19th birthday and she wouldn't have wished anything else.

42. Clouds
There were days where she couldn't help but notice that Genarog would act unusual to her and most others around him, Cormag had simply stated that he disliked seeing too many clouds in the sky; Tana could then understand why Genarog seemed to be dissatisfied with Frelian life as a whole; there were always clouds in the sky.

43. Sky
More than riding Achaeus, Tana loved to watch him fly; countless times she watched him hover his delicate, pearly white wings to the breeze in the bountiful sky while she observed laying delicately on the humbled Earth; Cormag admitted to doing the same for Genarog.

44. Heaven
No matter how many people thought distastefully or otherwise of him, she always recognized him to be her earthly heaven; his perfect judgment and solicitous eyes always seemed to have the perfect answer for her, whether it be good or bad; it was always a balance.

45. Hell
They had both seen how hell looked like, for him when he had lost his only brother and for her when she had lost her mother so very long ago.

46. Sun
Smiling to herself while reminiscing on her younger days, the Frelian princess could always recognize his sun-tanned skin from a mile away; her heart would jump at the prospect that perhaps he was looking for her somewhere off in the distance.

47. Moon
She observed him as his eyes wordlessly shone in the moonlight, his mouth pursed shut in habit and it was then she realized that he was living life as a shadow; and it scared her to the fullest, watching his lance still tightly braced in his hand and though his heart was steady, she knew that he was lonesome.

48. Waves
The waves of the cold wind hits their faces as they stand side by side, each holding lances bravely perceptive and eyes looking at their wary enemies-he gives her a detached smile and in a swift moment, waves of blood mix with the scent of victory.

49. Hair

She deeply enjoys his flaxen hair assorted with the mirth of dirt and soil, while hers is so boringly clean and tidy; she loves the feel of his tresses on her fingers; childishly it makes her feel like she's tamed a wondrous and handsome beast, she can almost hear him rumble a chuckle at her inane opinion and Tana can't help but bare her teeth in laughter.

50. Supernova

To the mere observer their marriage had seemed to be a beautiful yet comfortable one, but to Tana she felt as if a supernova had exploded somewhere in the valleys of her stomach and she erupts in utter nervousness; sweating and furiously trying to hide it; but when the dues are sealed its almost as if his lips gives her a calming effect, she no longer remembers her nervousness and jumps into his knowing arms.


Well that's the end of the first part, and please stay tuned for the second to come. Also if any of you could review, I'd appreciate it gratefully. I've been having a rough week and I need some cheering up, thanks.



fireemblem!fic, character:cormag, game:fireemblem, character:tana

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