Café Lilou, a silly love story in two acts

Dec 04, 2015 03:37

This is my entry for the spn_j2_xmas. The funniest thing happened: I didn't really know my giftee, theatregirl7299 before I got my assignation, and when I asked for a beta reader for this fic and another one I'm working on, guess who proposes her service? theatregirl. :D

Yeah, you did, girl. Luckily, I had another fic for you, and quickly found a beta reader for YOUR gift. Since then, we became LJ friends, and you added your voice to others when I was in need, so writing this story for you became very special.

Title: Café Lilou, a Silly Love Story in Two Acts
Pairing: J2
Word Count: 17 k
Warnings: PG 13 for language, mpreg, graphic birth and suggestive sexual imagery
Summary: Jared Padalecki’s life is centered on the coffee shop he owns and loves. Now that he’s turning thirty, he’s thinking it might be time to concentrate on his nonexistent personal life. Just like magic, one cold evening, a man comes into the café in need of some help. Jensen Ackles is gorgeous, funny and everything Jared never knew he needed. The connection between them is immediate. Apparently, love at first sight does happen. Okay, Jensen might be nine month pregnant, and Jared practically living at and for his coffee shop… but what if those obstacles were in fact part of what faith has in store for them?
Disclaimer: Surprisingly, none of this is true. I make no profits with this story, but I do own it.

Special Thanks to the awesome candygramme for her stellar beta work, and for being so patient, understanding and insightful. I wasn't an easy author, my dear, and you are the reason this fic finally got written. Hugs!!!

Dear theatregirl, the first idea I had, reading your likes, was about merman!Jensen and human Jared falling in love, but I had to give up because it was too complex and would have grown to be way too long for me to finish in time. I was so inspired I had to draw something. As usual, this is a pencil sketch with digital colouring.

This story needs more time before it's ready to be written. I'm not giving up on it though. When I realized I had to write something else, I went back to my assignement and picked a bunch of theatregirl likes: meet-cute, coffee shop settings, mpreg, and light h/c and cooked a light, fluffy story. The coffee shop setting being a "like" of my giftee, I thought it would be funny to settle the whole story in a unique place, hence the theatre references of the chapters. I had planned to draw the banners and divisers from scratch, but I knew it would take too much of my time. I am still satisfied with the digital art I put together. I hope you like, theatregirl!

Act One
Act Two
Curtain Call

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masterpost, fic, xmas xchange, mpreg!jensen, hurt/comfort, fluff, j2 au

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