Misplaced Childhood Masterpost

Jul 03, 2014 02:55

Title: Misplaced Childhood
Author: etoile_etiolee
Word count: 56 k
Summary: Jared Padalecki is 7 years old, Jensen Ackles barely five, when they get kidnapped and sexually abused. Rescued but struggling with the consequences, the boys share a special bond that seems unbreakable. Growing up in different environments, they each deal with the aftermath the best they can. Now, Jensen is 22 years old, addicted to drugs and still suffering from PTSD. Although they haven't seen each other in years, Jared doesn't hesitate to come to his aid when he hits rock bottom. With his help, maybe Jensen can finally have a second chance at life. Happiness is just around the corner, however unlikely and impossible it might seem.
Rating: R
Warnings: Graphic description of recreational drug use, sexual and physical abuse of minors, physical symptoms of withdrawal.
Disclaimer: None of this is true.

Thanks to my artist, pennydrdful. She did a terrific job and our collaboration had been a great experience for me. Please take some time to leave her some love Here at her art masterpost

Thank you so much,firesign10 for the cheers and the amazing beta work you did on this story. Love you. Thank you,disneymagics, for reading through all the different versions of this story which I've been writing on and off for more than a year. You'll always be my first reader, the one I think about when I write, you're my best friend, and I'm very lucky to have you. Hugs.

Dear readers, this story isn't an easy one, but there is hope, and a happy ending waiting for the boys. I would very much appreciate if you guys would take the time to read my notes at the end. Thanks!

Misplaced Childhood

PART ONE: When We Were Very Young

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

PART TWO: Where The Wild Things Are

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


masterpost, misplaced childhood, big bang 2014, j2 au

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