Big bang, spn cinema, spam...

Apr 13, 2014 09:59

Hey everybody!

A couple of things...

First, I'm sorry for the anons commenting on my fics, but I'll have to disable anonymus comments on my lj for now because I've been receiving a lot of spam recently. EDIT: Before disabling, I'm trying something: enable captcha for anon comments. Maybe it'll work.

Second, I have to give up on SPN_Cinema because there is no way I'll finish in time. The thing is, my J2 big bang is taking all of my free time and I really want to make it this year.

About my big bang, now... This story is getting way much longer than I originally thought it would be. Knowing me, it isn't surprising at all, but I have a little more than 20 k written and I'm not even to the core of the story. It's divised in two part, and the second part is supposed to be the main one, where the events happening are really what I wanted to write about in the first place. So, I have two weeks left to write what I think will be twice as long as the first part. I don't know if I'll make it, but I'm determined to try. If I can't finish in time, I'll still post this story on my own. That's a promise.

I want to thank everyone that commented on my audio recording at Tebtosca awesome voice meme. It was a very fun thing to do, even though my accent makes me cringe when I listen to myself. :D

So, have a nice Sunday everybody!



big bang, spam, personnal stuff

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