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Comments 6

bellagattino October 2 2013, 17:27:37 UTC
Oh lord. You managed to rip my heart out. Jensen's heartbreak is palpable. Jared is clearly lost in the situation, and its so understandable why. I can understand why Jensen didnt tell Jared, but still I want to shake him and make him see that Jared isnt going anywhere.
Wonderful job.


nong_pradu October 2 2013, 18:14:24 UTC
It's funny - a year and change ago I wouldn't have understood how Jensen could be so broken up about what happened to him that it would still hurt him so deeply all those years later. Then I got pregnant. I don't think there is anything more exciting and terrifying than being pregnant, with all those worries about the baby being healthy, about the pregnancy failing, about the delivery being too traumatic and a healthy baby dying before it ever gets to take a breath ( ... )


etoile_etiolee October 2 2013, 23:24:28 UTC
You've left me such awesome and heartfelt comments, thank you so much!
I've PM you.


firesign10 October 3 2013, 17:46:28 UTC
Wow, that was a hell of a launch!!!!


etoile_etiolee October 3 2013, 18:08:49 UTC
Thank you :) It is a roller coaster ride up 'till the end.


deansbellyrub October 8 2013, 19:02:27 UTC
not crying... nope..... I just have crying!J2 in my eyes....
I can understand Jared being mad and freaking out later, but OMG, poor Jensen! such a tragedy :(
My heart is broken and it's just Chapter 3... we're just getting started, right?
I'll better go buy some ice-cream.
Wonderful story, my friend, you're such a great story-teller :)


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