New York Report: Part 2

Apr 04, 2007 14:48

And the fabulous trip continues, so does the spamming of your flist. :P

Day 6

Oh My Gale did we walk that day. We started on 34th St, corner of Macy’s and the Madison Square Garden, to walk across Chelsea, then Greenwich Village, SoHo, Financial District.

You bought this, you bought this palace?
It's for my Prince.

Or why we were all fangirly at the sight of the Prince St sign and we had to take a picture of it. There has been Gale related signs ALL over the place during our trip, ask Elz about Russo's. *giggles* XD

Buildings in Soho. I love the architecture, I love the outside stairs, so very NY!

*cracks up*

It was hilarious to see the reaction of people passing by when we were taking the pictures, that man just turned around and stared in the direction of the street sign, as if trying to figure out what we were so eager to take a picture of! Well HOWARD mister, HOWARD, can't you see!?

We then took the subway to get to Brooklyn (our poor feet needed a bit of rest) so that we could walk across the Brooklyn Bridge to go back to Manhattan and admire the sunset from there. Again, it was beeeeyoutifool. No matter how much my hands were fucking freezing because I kept taking off my mittens to try and take decent pictures. But it was worth it, I have the pictures and the souvenirs now and I don’t remember about the cold (well...just a little).

Cold, but still so incredibly happy for us. :)

(I do really love that bridge indeed)

We had our daily dose of Gale that night obviously. We just stood a bit behind the people asking him so sign stuff to just admire him, enjoy his presence, his beauty, his smile, his little frown... *sigh*

Day 7

My Wifey & the Empire State

yanks02 arrived in town that day. We got up the Empire State Building to admire the sunset from yet another point of view. Luck was still with us, I thought we would arrive up there and sun would be down already but no, right on time! Seriously Elz, I’m coming down to Mexico now, I miss your lucky good vibes. Well I miss YOU to begin with!

You are my Sunshiiiiiiiiiiine

Elz, me and my Wifey! :)

That's especially for entropygoddess: the Tiger and the Lion reunited at last! :D

You can see the lights of Times Square from there, and our first thought was that Gale was somewhere down there. Obsessed fangirls? Indeed, and proud of it.

Yeah I just couldn't stop taking pictures, the view is incredible from here, and it's metafascinating to see that huge town full of activity below.

That's when I played with the contrast setting on my camera, and I actually like the result.

We dragged Johnna to the theatre, after she had seen her dinosaur at Toys R’ us before though. I'm still not happy at all with the "fake dinosaur is more interesting than The Gale" by the way. And I'm sure everyone reading this will strongly agree. So you can all go to her LJ and tell her that therefore fake dinosaur is totally worth more than a nekkid DanRad. MOO HA HA.

It growls!

Confused security guy & The Gale

It was so weird when we got there; there were barely any people around, just the usual few fangirls. They seem to be running late with the play since it was past 9:15 already I believe and no one was out yet. The security guy cracked up us so much though. It was a new one, and the fences weren’t up yet, so when he saw us waiting he seemed to be confused as of to putting them up or not. He started with one then just gave up when he saw we weren’t moving. He was so confused it was hilarious.

Anyway, horror! The audience came out and believe me or not, not a single person that were there tonight waited for Gale outside. Not one. Not one single fangirls inside. How is this possible? O.o We weren’t planning on going to talk to him, we just enjoyed that week going to the theatre and just looking at him while he was interacting with people, he’s so beautiful just seeing him from afar for a few minutes just makes your day. Plus it would have felt so awkward to talk to him every single nights, I think we did quite good on that. He did remember us it turned out, but in what seemed not a those-crazy-obsessed-fangirls way. Well hopefully. This night we got to learn some more about Gale too, in a way. There was no one outside, and we were wondering if he would look surprised or anything when he would come out. His face didn’t change, he had no expression carrying any deception regarding the absence of fans that night, nor sheer happiness at the thought of being able to go home right now. He just wasn’t expecting anything, he seems to just take things as they come, he’s so simple that makes me love him even more.

Day 8


Art is good for the brain and general knowledge. At least it was good for my karma, as I saw my favourite painting and statue again, I’m very happy. The statue actually, I realized when we went to see the play again that there seem to be a reproduction of it at the back of the stage, as a part of the set in the garden. It seemed quite the same… That’s weird. Or meta-fascinating maybe.

Les jeunes filles au piano - Renoir

It's absolutely beautiful, isn't it? I adore the colors and the whole softness of the scene and of each character and the surrounding. He has to be my favorite painter, I love his work.

La Frileuse - Jean-Antoine Houdon

I adore this statue, she's so peaceful, so delicate and vulnerable.


The way the sword is standing up is... interesting. stops from making more immature comments

You can't help but meet Gale signs everywhere, see? Even in the MET.

Outside the MET

Central Park again

We then walked across Central Park and went back to Strawberry fields (forever) so my wifey could see the Imagine mosaic as well.

That man in the back almost fell down the water when he sat down, he probably had some wet shoes after. :/ That's not funny but we did grin at the view I must say. *hides*

It's Tiger and Lion again, in the company of Albert! Enjoying a nice moment of rest in Central Park. :P

Central Park with the Empire State at the back

I see lots of squirrels around in Montreal, and yet every time I would see one there I would want to take pictures and keep on saying how cute they are. In Paris it was bloody pigeons all over the place instead, so ever since I moved here I've always been pleased to see those adorable little squirrels. Adorable except the one that ate all my sunflowers last summer, this one deserves some serious ass kicking. But I digress.

They probably took all the flowers and stuff off the mosaic for there were constructions going on around that area. It's rare to see it bare like this I guess.

Hostel break

We went back to the hostel to freshen up, gather our offerings for the Gale lol, before heading back downtown to go see if we could get some tickets again for the play.

The Hat and The Card for Mr Harold.

My wifey and me reunited wheee!

SLS & meeting the Gale, take 3

Lucky us got tickets for the 5th row this time, we would get closer every times that’s cool. And on the left hand side, so not only we would be closer to the stage but also close to where he would deliver his last line. After the play we gathered outside to wait for him and get to give him The Present. See it was hilarious at first in the store, hey look at that pot!hat, let’s give it to him and crack up when we see the look on his face. Yeah that was funny thinking of the face he would do, not so funny anymore come the time to actually give it to him. Have some balls Brian Kinney would say! Yeah well we didn’t have much balls on this one but I have no regret anyway. Once again he was about to leave (3 times out of 4 we were the last talking to him, he’ll remember us as the girls who won’t let him go! XD) but we managed to catch his attention to have a quick word with him (Yo! Yo? Awww Elz I love you so fucking much) and give him the present.

Instead of directly giving him the hat to see his face we just gave him the bag with the hat and the card inside, that was probably much better. I tried to explain to him that it was kind of a joke and we just thought he would get a kick out of it and hum yeah Gale, that’s just a joke really, don’t think we’re calling you a pothead (well...) and don’t be mad at us tomorrow when we’ll come see you one more time. Oh and that night he remembered us from the previous tuesday, we are so speshul. Yes precious, we are!

Carla & Blythe

Carla and Blythe came out a bit after he was gone and we had one of our playbills signed, and I got to tell Carla how amazing she was in the role of Catherine. She truly is seriously. They were very nice, signing every playbills, taking pictures with people without their feelings being hurt it seems. ;)

LJ meetup

That’s also the day we met erraticonstilts, and molta_felicita I believe (or did we meet you only the next day? I’m starting to forget things *pout*). We went back with Lauren to her hotel where we met with theleapingmuse and sugardares then took off again to have dinner close by.

Elz, theleapingmuse (I don't know everyone's real name), Lauren, sugardares, Johnna

Day 9

All the good things must come to an end, sadly, and this was our very last day in the city, our very last day of that amazing trip in Manhattan, although not the last day of The Berry and The Kiwi adventures! (in the next episodes)

After a very very short night *yawns*, we left the hostel early to get to a bar in the East Village so that my wifey could watch some football game. Soccer for you North Americans, but that’s still football for me and I still hate it. Elz and me were sort of thrown out because we had to drink something if we wanted to stay. Or wear a Manchester United shirt like Johnna I guess. Drinking at 10 in the morning? Thanks, but not thanks. And we don’t own football jersey. So we ended up at the Whole Food Market on 14 St having breakfast instead and admiring the view one last time.

We made our way back to Times Square then said goodbye to my wifey at the bus station *hugs*. We obviously went back to the theatre around 4 to get to see the man as much as possible before we had to leave. This is when we meet erraticonstilts and molta_felicita again, as well as machiiina (I’m so sorry we didn’t get to speak more than that! I had no idea it was you *pout*.). Walked around, went back to the Apple store and hung out there taking vids of ourselves (MY LORD! WHAT A TORCH!).

Meeting the Gale, take 4

Then we went back one last time to our favourite place in the universe at that moment. The one theatre to rule them all. And this is when it happened, when he came along. He came out wearing that oh so lovely light green sweater, tight black jeans, his hat as usual, and he was holding his grey rain coat or whatever this is called in his hands. Which is an important detail you see, it means there was one less layer between his marvellous body of his and us.

Once again we waited at the end of the line. I wanted him to sign the playbill I had signed by Carla and Blythe the previous day, so I would get one with the 3 of them on it, you know. Also I wanted another hug very, very much kthx. One the first time we met him, and one the day we were leaving, makes sense right? As if any reasons were needed in that case. I also wanted another hug that I would hopefully truly remember this time.

Once again he was about to leave and we had to call him to make sure he would well, not go yet! We asked him to sign our playbills one more time, and this is when he started making us incredibly HAPPY. We haven’t told him anything, just could you sign this please, nothing regarding meeting him the previous day and giving him a present. So he could have just not remembered us (although we’re so very speshul he just had to ;)) and even if he did, he could have just pretended not to and ignored the whole present thing. Especially considering the kind of present. And yet he did it. He not only acknowledged the fact he was remembering us, but also the fact we offered him something, and that’s when he said the magic sentence, or at least that was pretty close to this:

Thank you for the gift, it was so sweet of you guys.


*dies some more just thinking of that precious moment again*

HOLY SHIT. When I heard him mentioning the gift my brain froze, yet once again, and for a moment all I could think of was crap, that’s embarrassing, what if he didn’t like it?! I completely missed the whole "it was so sweet of you" part, thanks Gale for Elz and Lauren being there and having functioning brains I tell you.

It meant So. Much. Because he didn’t have to say that. He didn’t have to say anything. Yet he did, he willingly thanked us, HE DID. So we assume he actually enjoyed the present, maybe he liked the card more than the hat who knows (come on, he loooooves the hat), but yet he liked the present anyway, enough to spontaneously thank us, and that means the world really. Did I mention how incredibly NICE the man is? SEE! He’s fucking adorable it’s incredible. The man’s perfect. Perfect. I have so much more admiration and respect for the man than I had before, and that's saying something because I already adored him previous to our perfect encounters really. He's just more than you could ever dream of.


But that’s not it, when he was done signing we had some balls and asked him for a hug. And he obliged. See, PERFECT. And that’s when the details of us being at the end of the line, meaning no fence between he and us, and the not wearing coat details have an importance. Hugging him when he’s wearing a coat and over a little fence is obviously beyond wonderful (it’s fascinating in a... meta-fascinating way, you know?), but being even closer to him is all kind of amazing. It felt even more like a real hug. That’s the thing about him, he’s so honest and sincere in a way. He could give quick hugs, like some pat on the back, barely touching people, and okay I’m out of here (he could just not hug people at all actually, and I'm so so so grateful he does).

But he does take the time to hug you, and to hug you for real. I’m so glad my brain kept yet a little activity during those extremely precious seconds so that I could remember it, always. Well it worked at the beginning and then it just froze. It froze when my face sent my brain informations regarding GALE HAROLD’S FACE being squeezed against it. That’s when my neurons just burned. There was probably his hands on my back and the rest of his body somewhere, but I just can’t recall any of it (damn !!!), I lost my mind when I realized Gale Harold’s face was actually against mine, Gale’s warm and deliciously soft skin against MINE. MINE, PRECIOUS! I have goosebumps just remembering that moment. We were in GALE HAROLD'S ARMS! His body against ours! Oh. My. God.

After that, saying we were happy would be a dramatic understatement. I thought I would have been very sad to leave New York after such a wonderful time, sad not to go the theatre every day anymore (that's one habit you get accustomed to very quickly), but all I could feel actually was excitement, happiness, thankfulness. We couldn't stop smiling and being the happiest fangirls ever.

This was the perfect way to say goodbye, we're so happy for us. ♥

sls, gale harold, new york

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